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Mitochondrial Impairment in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells is Involved in the Correlation between Body Temperature and Stroke Severity Hu Heng 1, 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitochondrial Impairment in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells is Involved in the Correlation between Body Temperature and Stroke Severity Hu Heng 1, 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitochondrial Impairment in Cerebrovascular Endothelial Cells is Involved in the Correlation between Body Temperature and Stroke Severity Hu Heng 1, 2 ;N. Doll Danielle 1 ;Sun Jiahong 1 ;E. Lewis Sara 1 ;H. Wimsatt Jeffrey 3 ;J. Kessler Matthew 4 ;W. Simpkins James 1, 2 ;Ren Xuefang 1, 2 ; 1 Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, ; 2 Experimental Stroke Core, Center for Basic and Translational Stroke Research, ; 3 Department of Medicine, ; 4 Office of Laboratory Animal Resources, Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA ; Figure 7. Rotenone compromises mitochondrial function in cultured cerebral vascular endothelial cells. A Raw data of oxgen consumption rate OCR determinied by the Seahorse XF96e analyzer. Cultured cerebral vascular endothelial cells bEnd3. cell line were incubated with various concentration of rotenone for 24 hours then OCR was determined upon sequential exposure to oligomycin, FCCP, and rotenoneantimycin. B Analysis of the Seahorse data. Rotenone decreased basal respiration, oligomycin-sensitive ATP production, maximal respiration in the presence of FCCP, and spare capacity of cerebral vascular endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner. N = 4 per group; #cod#x0002A;, P#cod#x0003C;0.05; #cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, P#cod#x0003C;0.01; #cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, P#cod#x0003C;0.001; #cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, P#cod#x0003C; One-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey#cod#x02019;s test was used for statistical analysis. null,null,0(0),null-null. Doi: /AD

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