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NAIC/TIBC Budget Process Recommendations to the Tribal/Interior Budget Council Flagstaff, Arizona July 26, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "NAIC/TIBC Budget Process Recommendations to the Tribal/Interior Budget Council Flagstaff, Arizona July 26, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAIC/TIBC Budget Process Recommendations to the Tribal/Interior Budget Council Flagstaff, Arizona July 26, 2017

2 Project Focus By The End Of This Project, TIBC Will Have:
Improved knowledge about its current processes, including existing strengths and specific areas to improve Direct input from stakeholders in regions and sub-regions Recommended approaches to implement Continuous Quality Improvement in TIBC processes, to include: Suggested measures of impact/success Suggested approaches to improved information gathering on the needs and priorities of Tribes Suggested high-level process flow showing key steps and responsibilities Suggested methods and formats for reporting performance A presentation of findings and recommendations to the TIBC on July 24, 2017 A final report, documenting findings, recommendations, and comments no later than December 31, 2017

3 Interviews Conducted April 17 to May 10
Tribal Representatives TIBC Leadership BIA Regional Budget Staff BIA Central Office Budget Office Background with process Elements that work well Elements that should be improved Other issues

4 Findings Mixed understanding of the budget process
Absence of on-boarding procedure for Tribal Representatives Different Region approaches to involving Tribes Long budget formulation cycle complicates priority-setting Baseline uncertain (Tribal Request, President’s Budget, Enacted ) Tribal advice to BIA/DOI may not carry through President’s request—restricted visibility during 9-10 month embargo Limited information on Current Year budget execution (unexpended funds, underfunded activities)

5 Findings (continued) Limited assessment of program need, effectiveness, best practices Variations between Regions and Tribes Uneven program definition by budget line Inconsistent access to information shapes Tribe budget decisions/priorities Lack of clarity permits variable influence Benefits seasoned users Disadvantages less-expert users

Issues Advice Advocacy Lobbying Tracking Managing Presidential Decisions and Budget Request to Congress BY-2 Congressional Budget Resolution, Hearings, and Enactment BY-1 Budget Apportionment and Execution BY

7 Recommendation #2 DEFINE A PROCESS OWNER
Overall responsibility for maintaining process Specific steps each year Consistent in use/application Manage communication flow Define process governance Structure decision process Who is empowered to make what decisions Accountability/timing for follow up actions

8 Recommendation # 3 TRAIN TO DEFINED PROCESS
On-boarding for new participants Clear, consistent expectations for all participants Define/adopt DOI Region best practices Training modules available on demand

Advance DOI consultation with TIBC Step-by-Step Guidance - What : Why : How Presentation by DOI/BIA via webinar Available on-demand after kick off

Compare final advice from Tribes to: President’s Budget recommendation Congressional Action Budget execution Explore Current Law/Current Services concept for budget baseline What funding is required by Current Law What funding is required to support Current Services

11 Recommendation #6 DEFINE FUNDING NEED
Review overall programs (treaties, legislation, administrative) Document current funding level Define funding needed to fulfill obligation Region A Pgm W Tribe 1 Funding to Meet Obligation $$ $ Current Funding

12 Recommendations #6 (cont)
For each Tribe, develop for all applicable BIA programs Current Funding Funding to Meet Obligation All Tribes in each Region Funding to Meet Obligation  All BIA Programs  Region A Pgm W Pgm X Pgm Y Pgm Z Total Tribe 1 Tribe 2 Tribe 3 Etc… Current Funding

13 Recommendations #6 (cont)
Assemble for all Regions Evaluate variations Gaps Situation-specific actions Meets Obligation Review Required Critical Need  All BIA Programs  Pgm W Pgm X Pgm Y Pgm Z Total Region A Region B Region C Etc…

14 Next Steps—Phase 1 PHASE ONE Define Multi-Year Budget Process
Process Owner Agreed flow Roles/responsibilities Timing Develop Budget Process Training Best practices Consistent for all Effective involvement

15 Next Steps—Phase 2 PHASE TWO Select Best Budget Baseline
Existing practice Current Services Current Law Other Define Needed Funding Current funding by Tribe Funding to meet obligation Gaps/actions

16 1-910-215-0368

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