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The Sanctity of Marriage

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Presentation on theme: "The Sanctity of Marriage"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sanctity of Marriage
Matthew 5:31-32

2 Genuine inner goodness…
…doesn’t even harbor contempt and anger toward another person …doesn’t even fantasize about having relations with anyone not one’s own wife, or husband

3 If we’re really serious about being salt and light in the middle of the kingdom of darkness, how should we view divorce?

4 What God has joined together, let no one separate. Matthew 19:6

5 The bill of divorcement (Deut
The bill of divorcement (Deut. 24:1-4) was meant for protection for the woman.

6 Pharisees: Divorce is all right so long as it is done properly. 
Jesus: Just because a man divorces correctly doesn’t mean he’s done the right thing. 

7 Even though it may be permissible on the grounds of adultery, divorce is more related to the hardness of the human heart than it is to unfaithfulness.

8 “If you can’t easily rid yourself of a woman you no longer want, why get married in the first place” seems to be the way people think. 

9 Marriage is serious business, and there are serious consequences to disrupting what God has joined together. 

10 Jesus calls his followers to a higher standard regarding marriage than the world dominated by the kingdom of darkness has! 


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