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CMS status A walk through the performance of CMS at LHC

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1 CMS status A walk through the performance of CMS at LHC
Will try to avoid overlap with later presentations on physics performance Acknowledgements: the material presented here is the result of work of > thousand people who have built, commissioned CMS over the years and to those who have analyzed the data which has been pouring in the last months: to them goes the merit of the results shown, mine are only the mistakes/omissions T. Camporesi , CERN


3 93% lumi livetime during stable beam:
How are we doing 93% lumi livetime during stable beam: Most losses due to study beam related issues with readout: fixed since end of August Running with L1 trigger rate between 45 and 70 KHz (sustained peaks at 90 KHz) and logging rate between 350 and 600 Hz L=1027Hz/cm2 L=1028Hz/cm2 L=1029Hz/cm2 L=1030Hz/cm2 L=3 1030Hz/cm2 L= 1031Hz/cm2 L= Hz/cm2 Today

4 Trackers and tracking

5 Tracker material MC now TDR

6 and it seems correct Nuclear Interactions Conversions Conversions

7 Analitical fit reproduces measurement to 0.01%
Magnet In order to achieve P resolution goals the magnetic field has to be understood to the permill level Analitical fit reproduces measurement to 0.01%

8 Low P J/Ψ Single track pt resolution extracted from J/Ψ width
TDR: almost mission accomplished for low P J/Ψ Y(1,2,3S)

9 No bias with a precision of 0.15%
Intermediate P No bias with a precision of 0.15% W→mn Z→mm

10 High P (cosmics) ~8% for pt=500 GeV
Split cosmic track at point of closest approach to ‘IP’ High P (cosmics) Tag-leg Estimate momentum scale bias by assuming no infinite P tracks Probe-leg ~8% for pt=500 GeV -0.044±0.022 TeV-1

11 Vertex and IP resolution
Alignment: cosmics and early data I.P. Pixel Vertex resolution Silicon Tracker Z X

12 Probes passing the matching Probes failing the matching
Tracking efficiency Probes passing the matching Probes failing the matching J/Psi Tag and probe and it is not affected by pileup

13 Muons

14 Muon trigger J/Ψ ms Tag&probe barrell transition endcap

15 Performance “Soft muon”: a tracker track matched to at least one CSC or DT stub, to collect muons down to pT about 500 MeV in the endcaps (e.g. for J/Ψ) “Tight muon”: a good quality track from a combined fit of the hits in the tracker and muon system, requiring signal in at least two muon stations to improve purity. J/Ψ ms Tag&probe J/Ψ ms Tag&probe

16 μ charge id Cosmics ( track split and two halves compared) Mis-ID ~1%

17 Electrons,g and ECAL

18 HLT 15 GeV g efficiency vs Supercluster energy reconstructed
ECAL trigger HLT 15 GeV g efficiency vs Supercluster energy reconstructed L1 5 GeV threshold Barrell (50%) 5.6 GeV Endcap (50%)6.7 GeV L1 8 GeV threshold Barrell (50%) 8.9 GeV Endcap (50%) 10.8 GeV

19 ECAL TDR small constant term needed to detect narrow γγ resonances
and test beam exposure ( 25% of detector) confirmed the potential of the PbWO crystals but key point is crystal intercalibration :only 25% have been exposed to e beam

20 ECAL calibration:π0 Online π0 streams
comparison with e-beam calibrated crystals p0 combined with splashes and f symm Reaches 0.5 to 1.2 % depending on h in barrel p0,splashes, f-symm 250 nb-1 p0 250 nb-1

21 in the barrel the scale is now set by the π0 calibration
ECAL energy scale in the barrel the scale is now set by the π0 calibration EB ~ 1% ….. EE ~ 3%

22 HCAL & Jets

23 HLT efficiencies: calo
Jets: just data i.e. use μ-triggered events and check turn-on curves on reco jets without any energy corr. HLT Trigger : E> 15GeV Trigger : L1 E> 6GeV Just data l Barrel HLT Trigger : E> 15GeV Trigger : L1 E> 6GeV JES corrected Endcap

24 isolated part response

25 Down to pt=20 GeV and 5% Jet Energy Scale
Particle flow jets Down to pt=20 GeV and 5% Jet Energy Scale

26 Jet Triggered Charged particle Spectra
Using Jet trigger it is possible to extend the momentum range of charged particle spectra Cross sections scaled empirically by (√s)5.1

27 Missing Et

28 qT distribution of g-jet candidates
Events with isolated g qT distribution of g-jet candidates CALO TC-MET PF-MET Missing recoil energy = Missing Et correction factor (depends on Quark flavor and JES)

29 b-Tagging

30 Data-MC comparison for b-tagging observables
DATA/MC ratio is close to 1 for all observables

31 Trigger requirements Online requirement In early phases: keep L1 rate
Collision rate MHz Event size Mbyte Level 1 Trigger Input 40 MHz HLT trigger input KHz Mass storage rate Hz System Deadtime ~% Event rate Level-1 input ON-line HLT input Selected events to archive In early phases: keep L1 rate <70KHz (only 50% of Filter farm installed) and use HLT trigger menus adapted to Luminosities to reduce logging rate to <500 Hz OFF-line

32 trigger Name of the game: keep trigger as loose as possible: new L1 and HLT menus ~every doubling of lumi ( LHC lumi doubling time has been ~10 days since start of collisions!) Level 1 rates: predicted first from MC and after first fills extrapolated to higher Lumi. Keep unprescaled single physics object threshold compatible with total rate < 70 KHz+ lower threshold multiplicity and isolation triggers

33 High Level Trigger With initial luminosities L1 trigger 0-bias or prescaled min-bias + low threshold ‘objects’ (e.g. eγ > 5 GeV, Jets > 10 GeV, loose μ) to keep rate <70 KHz Adaptive HLT menus in steps of peak lumi: predicted from MC first and then extrapolated from earlier data taking

34 Conclusions The goals set out by the CMS founding fathers are close to be met: a feat we did not dreamed to be possible this early in the game CMS is more ready to produce physics than we ever expected What will be presented at this workshop are the measure of the quality of the detector and just an appetizer for the future Last but not least we salute the amazing performance of LHC for (much) more details see :

35 Backup slides

36 A figure sums it all Best TOP production candidate
secondary vertex 6σ ellipse Top candidate Mass in the GeV range

37 Tracker De/Dx

38 Event selection ~ µsec latency
Trigger & DAQ Event selection ~ µsec latency Data Trigger

39 Timing with beam Used early fills to do detailed timing scans for calorimeters, CSC, pixel, tracker Optimize delays for data pipelines and trigger primitive generation Good timing essential for background rejection:e.g ECAL

40 Trigger synchronization
Synchronization initially defined from cosmics, beam splashes refined with timing scans Monitored using Zero Bias and/or min bias: Zero bias = trigger on coincidence of beam crossings (L1 trigger =0-bias while # on crossings/orbit was up to 8, ie. L1 rates < 100 KHz

41 Low P resolution Use Ks, Φ, J/Ψ to monitor/calibrate vs (η,Pt) J/Ψ Ks
Use dE/dX to sel. K Φ

42 In situ ECAL calib Use γ from π0 decay and Φ symmetry (assume that integrating over large # of min bias events the energy deposited in crystals at a given pseudorapidity is the same then use test beam pre- calibrated crystals to cross-calibrate various Φ rings) and beam-splashes For endcaps use beam-splash events form Compare with cosmics calibration and electron test beam pre-calibrated crystals to estimate precision Ultimate calibration will be W en events

43 Φ symmetry (EB) • 7 TeV data — 7 TeV MC 900 GeV Syst < 0.5% 7 TeV

44 Missing Et And pileup seems to be under control

45 Jet Energy scale Jets are defined using 3 algos: calo only, Calo+ tracks, Particle flow + anti Kt clustering with R = 0.5 At start use MC to estimate corrections vs (η,pt) Then use data based methods: dijets pt balance and γ-jet events ( not used YET in physics analyses) Calo-jets Calo+Trk (JPT) ParticleFlow-jets PFJ rely less on ’combined-calo’ 65% Trk, 25% ECAL, 10% HCAL+ECAL Corrects noise and pileup Effect of distribution (vs η) of material and detector structure Corrects pt dependance due to non compensating nature of CMS calorimeters

46 JES: dijet pt balance Calo-jets Calo-jets JPT-jets JPT-jets
P-flow-jets after relative response correction (shown is error band of 2%⋅η adopted in physics analyses 18 <pt<31 GeV 70<pt<120 GeV Calo-jets JPT-jets P-flow-jets The observed trend of higher response in data wrt MC for η>2 is consistent with what is observed in single particle studies

47 JES: γ + jet difficulty to define ‘single jet’: use Missing Et Projection Fraction ( MPF) method (used by CDF)

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