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Mormonism Mr. C Productions.

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1 Mormonism Mr. C Productions

2 Do Now 1. Where did Zoroastrianism originated? 2. Who is the main god of Zoroastrianism? 3. How many followers are left in the religion?

3 Introduction to today’s lesson

4 How it started It was founded by Joseph Smith in 1820.
Smith was 14 years old at the time when he had the First Vision. God told him to create his own church. Smith would become the 1st prophet of the restored Church of Christ.




8 Smith’s last dream

9 Smith’s death

10 After Smith’s death Brigham Young was ordained President of the Mormon Church in December 1847. He also founded Salt Lake City, Utah. It would become the headquarters for the church of latter day saints. There are over 14 million followers of the religion in the world and it’s the 4th largest religion in the United States.


12 The holy scripture The Book of Mormon- Most prominent belief is “that Jesus is the Christ, the eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations.” It is similar to the Bible, the Israelites travelled from Jerusalem to America in 600 BC.


14 More Scriptures The Doctrine and Covenants: Part of the Book of Mormon, it was originally called the book of commandments. The Doctrine and Covenants are a list of revelations given to the prophet Joseph Smith, directed towards members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


16 Beliefs Belief in the holy trinity: God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit Mankind can find salvation through the Atonement of Jesus Christ Belief that Bible and the Book of Mormon are the word of God Christ will personally reign on the Earth Zion (New Jerusalem) will be located in America

17 More about Mormonism beliefs

18 Relation to Christianity
Mormonism is a form of Christian primitivism. Mainstream Christianity has come about in two ways: - Orthodox churches were organized a few hundred years after the death of Christ Protestant churches have attempted to reform perceived problems in Orthodox beliefs and practice

19 Relation to Christianity continued
Mormonism is the restoration of Christ’s ancient church with its authority and power, done through modern revelation under the guidance of Jesus Christ


21 Reflection/Discussion
Please discuss with a classmate and answer the following questions: 1. What was the most interesting aspect of today’s lesson on Mormonism? 2. Do you believe that it is a growing religion?

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