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AIM: Why was manor life difficult during the middle ages?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: Why was manor life difficult during the middle ages?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Why was manor life difficult during the middle ages?
Do Now: What does it mean to be self-sufficient? HW: Complete two SPICE Charts by Friday. 1 for the European Middle Ages and one for Medieval Japan.

2 What is Self Sufficiency?
You can provide everything you need for yourself. Who do we rely upon?

3 Is it possible to be self-sufficient while also being interdependent?
Think about this

4 Vocabulary Fief – n – Land granted to a lord/knight by a more powerful lord or king in exchange for loyalty. Manor – n - The lord’s estate. This included the actual land that the lord lived and built on. -granted by the King -it can include a house, church, full villages, fields and forests.

5 The Manor

6 Identify the key components on the manor.
Food Other

7 Short Play Question 1 Why is Pierre unhappy with his life as a serf?

8 Short Reading: Question #2
Why does Lord Ramsay say his life isn’t easy? Provide evidence or examples of Ramsay’s difficulties and challenges.

9 Based on the skit, and the picture, write one paragraph summarizing why manor life was difficult.

10 How were gender roles divided on a manor?
Women villeins often found they could have more freedom if they remained unmarried than if they married. Married women had to defer to their husbands and their property became their husband’s property. Women were paid less than men for doing the same work and were not allowed to hold office on the manors. Women brewed beer, but could not be ale tasters. Getting married did lead to more social approval and extra possible stability in life.

11 How did feudalism affect the structure of a Manor?

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