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What does the word RESOURCES mean?

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Presentation on theme: "What does the word RESOURCES mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the word RESOURCES mean?
Does the Earth give us resources? What could we call resources that come naturally from the Earth?

2 Resources that can be reused or replaced quickly
ENERGY RESOURCES Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources Resources that can be reused or replaced quickly (in a lifetime) Resources (from the earth) that are limited and can run out. (The earth cannot replace it quickly.)

3 Energy is produced by burning fossil fuels.
Nonrenewable Resources Fossil Fuels Energy is produced by burning fossil fuels. Nuclear Formed from dead plants and animals many years ago. Energy is produced by splitting atoms Coal Oil Natural Gas

4 Oil is removed from under ground by drilling.
Gasoline is from refined oil.

5 Oil After crude oil is removed from the ground through drilling, it is sent to a refinery by pipeline, ship, or barge.

6 One barrel of crude oil, when refined, produces about 19 gallons of finished motor gasoline, and 10 gallons of diesel, as well as other petroleum products. Most petroleum products are used to produce energy. For instance, many people across the United States use propane to heat their homes. Other products made from petroleum include: Ink Crayons Bubble gum Dishwashing liquids Deodorant Eyeglasses CDs and DVDs Tires Ammonia Heart valves

7 How do we use Crude Oil? - Fossil Fuels
Crude oil is first pumped out of the ground and then refined. In the refining process, crude oil is heated and separated to make different products.

8 Natural Gas mostly provides heat in our homes.
NOT ALL HOMES. Natural gas is moved by pipelines from the producing fields to consumers.

9 Because natural gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, mercaptan (a chemical that smells like sulfur) is added before distribution, to give it a distinct unpleasant odor (it smells like rotten eggs). This added smell serves as a safety device by allowing it to be detected in the atmosphere, in cases where leaks occur

10 Natural gas is used to produce:
steel Clothing Glass Brick Paper Electricity Paints Fertilizers Plastics Antifreeze Antifreeze Dyes Photographic film Medicines Explosives.

11 - Fossil Fuels Coal is a sedimentary rock formed from plant remains. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel produced in the US. Coal is most commonly used in power plants to produce electricity.

12 Coal miners use giant machines to remove coal from the ground
Coal miners use giant machines to remove coal from the ground. They use two methods: surface or underground mining. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel produced in the US. It is the main fossil fuel used to generate electricity from power plants.

13 Fuels and Electricity - Fossil Fuels
The circle graph shows which energy sources are used to produce electricity in the United States.

14 Energy Transformation and Fuels
- Fossil Fuels Energy Transformation and Fuels When fuels are burned, the chemical energy that is released can be used to generate another form of energy, such as heat, light, motion, or electricity.

15 Renewable Resources Let’s recall the differences: ENERGY RESOURCES
Nonrenewable Resources Resources from the earth that can be replaced instantly or fairly quickly Resources from the earth that are limited and can run out. The earth cannot replace it quickly.


(they’re renewable!!)

18 Hydro-electric Solar Energy from the sun.
Renewable Resources: Also called Alternative Resources Hydro-electric Tidal Biomass Solar Wind Geothermal Energy from living things Energy from water Energy from ocean tides. Energy From wind Energy from the Earth’s core Energy from the sun.

19 Alternative Natural Resources: Other resources from the Earth that can be used for energy instead of fossils fuels (which are nonrenewable and running out)

20 Solar Energy: Power from the sun.

21 Hydroelectric Energy: Power from running water.

22 Hoover Dam

23 Wind Energy: Power from the wind.

24 Biomass energy: Energy from organic material
Solid waste is burned for fuel to create steam to turn turbines to turn generators to produce electricity. Examples of waste: wood, sugar cane, plant, animal waste.


26 Plant where trash is turned into energy!!!

27 Geothermal energy: Energy from hot magma or hot rock inside the earth
Hot rocks under ground heat water to produce steam. Holes are drilled down to the hot area Steam comes up, turns turbine which generates electricity Example: ICELAND



30 Tidal Energy: Energy from the ocean’s tides.


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