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Presentation on theme: "Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing

2 What are you learning? Understand the purpose of Marketing
Understand how businesses segment the market

3 Marketing is… Identifying profitable products and selling them to the customers Persuading customers to buy Informing customers

4 MARKET SEGMENTATION – who are we aiming at?
XBOX Kinect Fitflop trainers The Sun Newspaper Moshlings Milk think, pair, share

5 The Market Segments Age – people of different ages will appreciate different things Gender – male and female customers buy different products Income – people who have high disposable income can buy luxury products

6 Race/religion/ethnic group
Area – people who live in Scotland have different needs to those who live in the South of England Hobbies/interest Race/religion/ethnic group Complete Task 1 and 2

7 How do we find out what people want to buy?

8 What can a company research?
Promotion Competition Pricing Product Distribution The market

9 What are you learning? Understand the different types of market research used Why businesses use these types

10 Types Of Market Research

Looking at information that already exists within the company Sales records Financial information

12 Desk Research - External
Looking at information that already exists outwith the company Government statistics Media reports Newspapers Journals Internet Websites Complete Task 3

13 FIELD RESEARCH If after desk research there are still gaps in information Use FIELD RESEARCH to fill these gaps This information does not exist already – it must be gathered

14 Forms of Field Research
Gathering information directly from your target market – using: Questionnaires Interviews – personal and telephone Postal surveys/on-line survey Observations Technology - EPOS Focus groups Consumer panels Complete Task 4

15 Field and desk research – costs and benefits
THINK, PAIR AND SHARE Display what you have learnt on a mind map

16 Field Research Desk Research Advantages Research is up-to-date Information is gathered for a specific purpose Research has already been carried out and is usually easy to access eg newspaper, website Information is cheaper to gather than field research which saves the organisation money Disadvantages Can be expensive to carry out It can be time consuming to carry out Information may not be as reliable as field research because it was carried out for a different purpose Information may be out-of-date, incomplete or biased

17 Product X What’s it all about? Teamwork Product Testing
Market Research Logo Design Packaging Advertising Competition

18 Product X – Stage 1 Pre Tasting Taste Test
Think about what you would want in a ‘perfect’ chocolate bar. How would you assess/grade how perfect the bar is? Design a grading sheet for your tasting session Taste Test In groups of 3 taste the product (Warning – if you have an allergy alert your teacher) Record your results on your grading sheet Find out about the ingredients Identify the market segment of your product

19 The Questionnaire How do we construct a QUESTIONNAIRE? Follow the rules on the checklist It is important that these rules are followed This will mean your product has more chance of success

20 Questionnaire Checklist
Write a clear introduction - what you are looking for and why? Assure confidentiality – you will keep their answers private Keep questions clear, short, easy to understand and relevant Avoid using jargon Don’t ask questions that rely on memory

21 Questionnaire Checklist
Don’t ask leading questions – “You like this product don’t you?” Start with easy questions Avoid too many terms such as regularly, often, sometimes Use groupings eg for age 16-30 Test the questionnaire before you use it on the general public Complete Task 5

22 Product X – Stage 2 CREATE A QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PRODUCT X Remember the checklist! You will need to find out The size of the market What is your main market What about competition Where it should be sold What price should be charged for it

23 2 main approaches to marketing:
Product orientated/led Market orientated/led Customer led Company led

24 Business focuses on the product New technology developed this way
PRODUCT ORIENTATION Little market research carried out – company make the products based on what they want More common in the past Business focuses on the product New technology developed this way MARKET ORIENTATION Led by the market – tries to analyse the needs of the consumer Responds quickly to changes in the market Strong position to meet the challenge of new competition Any business with a large product range Complete Task 6

25 Quick Test Describe the purpose of market research.
Name the two types of market research. Suggest 3 methods of carrying out market research.

26 Quick Test 1 Describe the purpose of market research. To find out what customers want 2 Name the two types of market research. Field and Desk research 3 Suggest 3 methods of carrying out market research. Questionnaire/Survey; Interview; Consumer Panel

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