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Nephi: The Prophet of God

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1 Nephi: The Prophet of God

2 Power & Leadership Nephi leaves Jerusalem
Nephi and his family had been journeying in the wilderness for eight long years. Drive: Achievement, Ambition, Energy, Tenacity & Initiative Strictness Justice Carefulness Efficiency

3 Drive: Achievement, Ambition, Energy, Tenacity & Initiative
Nephi has vision from God One day the voice of the Lord said to Nephi, “Arise, and get thee into the mountain” (1 Ne. 17:7). Nephi obeyed, and the Lord told him there, “Thou shalt construct a ship, after the manner which I shall show thee, that I may carry thy people across these waters” (1 Ne. 17:8). Once he had envisioned the promised land, he could not be dissuaded from building a ship that would take him there. Nephi prayed for guidance, and the Lord told him where to find ore to make tools and gave him instructions on how to build the ship. Forming

4 Strictness Nephi Builds the ship
His brothers Laman and Lemuel didn’t think that he could do it, and refused to help him. Laman and Lemuel got angry and wanted to throw Nephi into the depths of the ocean. As they tried to grab him, he said, “In the name of the Almighty God, I command you that ye touch me not … ; whoso shall lay his hands upon me shall wither even as a dried reed” (1 Ne. 17:48). The Lord told Nephi to “stretch forth thine hand again to thy brethren” (1 Ne. 17:53). When he did so, they were shaken but not killed by the power of the Lord. Storming

5 Justice “He plays no favorites and treats all men alike.”
Justice is a concept involving the fair, moral, and impartial treatment of all persons. Justice is often seen as the continued effort to do what is "right." Norming

6 Carefulness They Build the Ship together
Laman and Lemuel then knew that Nephi had been commanded by the Lord to build the ship, and they began to help him. Teamwork - working as a team makes it easier to accomplish goals. Performing

7 Efficiency The Journey to the Promised Land
When the ship was finished, all the things needed for the journey were put into the ship, and its sails were set for the promised land. The goal was accomplished Adjourning

8 Nephi’s Attributes Good Communication Skills A prophet of God
Motivation to lead Ability to Influence others Teamwork Honest Self Reliant Integrity A prophet of God Authority from God Vision & Purpose Self - Confident Courageous Powerful Love & Compassion Charisma

9 Conclusion Drive: Strictness Justice Carefulness Efficiency
Nephi has many great leader traits Drive: Achievement Ambition Energy Tenacity Initiative Strictness Justice Carefulness Efficiency This story also follows Tuckman’s 5 – Stage Model of Group Development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

10 Sited Works Virginia Pearce, “Sharing Time: Nephi Builds a Ship,” Friend, Mar 1992,  44 Spencer J. Condie, “Some Scriptural Lessons on Leadership,” Ensign, May 1990,  27 The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ

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