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Social Influence: Conformity

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Presentation on theme: "Social Influence: Conformity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Influence: Conformity
Would you jump off a bridge if everyone else did?

2 Social Influence Exercise of social power by a person or group to change the attitudes or behavior of others Social Pressure CONFORMITY PERSUASION COMPLIANCE OBEDIENCE

3 Conformity Behavior change in response to real or imagined social pressure

4 Conformity Asch’s study
Most (almost 75%) conformed on, at least, 1 critical trial 50% went along on half of critical trails

5 Conformity Asch’s study Task Difficulty

6 Types of Conformity Public Conformity: Private Conformity:
Doing or saying what others around us say or do Private Conformity: Actually coming to feel or think as others do

7 Conformity Asch’s study Task Difficulty Era/Time Gender & Conformity

8 Influences On conformity
Group Size

9 Influences On conformity
Group Size Unanimous Relevance

10 Why We Conform Informational Social Influence
Based on the desire to be correct Normative Social Influence Based on the desire to be liked or accepted

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