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Dictionary Race Break down Trailblazer Turnaround Moustache Tarnished

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2 Dictionary Race Break down Trailblazer Turnaround Moustache Tarnished
Saloon Dramatic Decade To change a situation from bad to good Something you cant touch is damaged A type of car with 4 doors which is usually quite big 10 years When a motorized vehicle doesn’t work When a man* grows hair between his lips and his nose Something that happens in a big and exciting way The leaders in new ideas and/or fashion for a particular area or business

3 What do you think of these cars?
Do you like them? If your company was giving you a car would you want one? What do you think of when you think of Mercedes Benz?

4 Success of Mercedes Benz 2000 to 2015
Read the article quickly, draw a line on this graph to show how successful Mercedes were between 2000 and year by year S U C E

5 Success of Mercedes Benz 2000 to 2015
Example only…this is not correct!!! Read the article quickly, draw a line on this graph to show how successful Mercedes were between 2000 and year by year S U C E

6 Success of Mercedes Benz 2000 to 2015
Example only…this is not correct!!! Read the article quickly, draw a line on this graph to show how successful Mercedes were between 2000 and year by year S U C E

7 True or False Game

8 The fall of Mercedes Luxury brand was not as severe as other brands

9 In 2002, Mercedes’ losses were its first for three decades

10 Dieter Zetche is the boss of Mercedes and Daimler

11 Mercedes consider BMW its biggest rival

12 The total redundancies were 29,000

13 Nobody used to get fired from Mecedes

14 The C-Class saloon is considered the top car by Mercedes

15 Mercedes future may focus on fuel efficiency

16 Read-in pairs-Which of these factors helped Mercedes improve its performance according to the article Mr Zetsche’s walrus moustache Having BMW as a rival Being hard Increasing jobs Giving workers security for life Using Mr Zetche’s operational experience Cutting jobs Building cars the experts want them to build Lowering product quality Improving the looks of new Mercedes cars Producing new models Using a team approach

17 Find your partner

18 Luxury-brand Chief-executive Parent-company Fourth-quarter Management-style Fuel-efficient-models Team-approach Dramatic-effect

19 Viet-Cars

20 Viet Cars Your company has decided to start making cars in Vietnam for Vietnam as they’re so expensive to import But they don’t know what people in Vietnam would want that would get them to buy the car. Your job is to design a car that would be very suitable for Vietnamese people to encourage people (who can afford it) to buy the car Remember this will be cheaper just because it was made in Vietnam so more people will want to buy it

21 Your job Discuss with your group what the car should look like and what features it should have. Think about Seats Size Engine features (fast, reliable, fuel efficient, loud, quiet etc) Gadgets inside the car(air conditioning, radio, etc) Color Price (realistic for what type of car you have made –luxury, racing, budget etc) Why people in Vietnam would really like it Oh and you have to draw a picture of it!

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