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Well-being & the early years curriculum: different meanings

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1 Well-being & the early years curriculum: different meanings
Well-being & the early years curriculum: different meanings Dr Alyson Lewis Senior Lecturer, Institute for Education 13th June 2017 @AKL2727 @bathspa_ife 1

2 Thought provoking &/or worth considering?
Too many assumptions/taken-for-granted truths are often associated with well-being (Desjardins, 2008). Far more evidence is needed to investigate well-being and education outcomes especially between diverse groups of children (Morrison Gutman & Vorhaus; 2012; Sabates & Hammond, 2008). One paper has been published that reports how Scottish policy-makers and teachers understand well-being (Spratt, 2016). Hicks et al. (2011) state that the UK, in the 2007 UNICEF report, only refers to England. Morrow & Mayall (2009) suggest that not enough critiques of UNICEF data have taken place and the findings are overused.


4 Philosophical perspectives of well-being…
1: Hedonism/mental states discourse : Feelings of happiness or pleasure. Aristippus of Cyrene believed that the ultimate good life consisted of pleasure. Bentham, a British philosopher, argued that a good society is built on maximising pleasure for the greatest number of people. 2: Eudaimonism/flourishing discourse: Ideas of human functioning and development, autonomy, self-realisation and fulfilment. Having a sense of purpose and meaning to life, living an authentic life, being true to oneself and fulfilling your potential. 3: Needs-based/objectivist discourse: Belief that numerous underlying conditions, or “necessary prerequisites” for well-being to emerge, such as health, income, education, freedom and so on. (Ryan & Deci, 2001; Gasper, 2010; Dodge et al. 2012) 4: Desire-based/preference satisfaction discourse: Characterised by people satisfying their wants and desires. The more someone satisfies their desire their well-being will increase.

5 Different interpretations of well-being in early years curriculum policy
A principle of good early years practice (Wales between 1996 and 2008) An attribute (Scotland) A disposition (Australia) An attitude (New Zealand) A capability (Scotland) A skill (New Zealand, Australia and Wales from 2008) Knowledge (New Zealand and Australia) An assessed outcome (Scotland and Wales from 2008)

6 Practitioners’ knowledge & understanding of well-being
Hesitations & uncertainties An unwarranted assumption “I would go with child’s health. Do you think that’s to do with well-being?” “What about praise, would that come under that?” “Is that what you would…?” “It’s hard isn’t it well-being, there are so many things.” “I don’t think we see a lot of low well-being.” “Our children have got good well-being.” “Luckily for us the vast majority of our children already come to school with high levels of well-being.” “I’ve always worked in schools where well-being has been high on the agenda in deprived areas. ” @AKL2727 @bathspa_ife @ESRC @cardiffuni 6

7 Describing a child’s well-being…
Weak Poor Low Strong Good High Withdrawn, lack of motivation, depressed, sad Quiet Reserved Limited language Shy Afraid or scared Poor attitude to learning/tasks, don’t try Distant, just not with it No confidence Bad behaviour Low self-esteem Cry & whinge Not good with routines Tired, exhausted Dirty appearance Lethargic because of no breakfast *Think they are not very good at things Happy Bubbliness Well-rounded Well-spoken Interacting happily with others Independent Good attainment Eager to join in Confident Well-behaved Comfortable with surroundings Secure, content, relaxed, stable Cope well with routines Knowing the consequences of their actions Clean, look smart Knowing their place in society Knowledgeable *Know who they are and who they want to be

8 Contact details: 8

9 References Desjardins, R Researching the links between education and well-being. European Journal of Education 43(1), pp Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J. and Sanders, L The challenge of defining wellbeing. International Journal of Wellbeing 2(3), pp Gasper, D Understanding the diversity of conceptions of well-being and quality of life. The Journal of Socio-Economics 39(3), pp Hicks, S., Newton, J., Haynes, J. and Evans, J Measuring Children’s and Young People’s Well-being. Wales: Office for National Statistics. Morrison Gutman, L. and Vorhaus, J The Impact of pupil behaviour and pupil well-being on education outcomes. London: Childhood Well-being Research Centre. Morrow, V. and Mayall, B What is wrong with children’s well-being in the UK? Questions of meaning and measurement. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 31(3), pp Ryan, R. and Deci, E On happiness and human potentials: a review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Annual Review Psychology 52(1), pp Sabates, R. and Hammond, C The impact of lifelong learning on happiness and well-being. London: NIACE. Spratt, J Childhood wellbeing: what role for education? British Educational Research Journal 42(2), pp 9

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