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Turn of the Century America

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1 Turn of the Century America
Century Events People at the turn of the Century Geography Economics Chance $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 Events- $100 Why did immigrants leave their homes for America? (Name 2) Economic opportunities to escape famine, civil unrest, and unemployment in Europe.

3 Events- $200 Thomas Edison is credited with bringing this to industry and homes at the turn of the century. electricity

4 Events- $300 _________________ immigrants migrated to California and to western territories and states. They were lured there by economic opportunities created through the development of the transcontinental railroad and other rail lines as well as the promise of gold discovered in California Chinese

5 Events - $400 A conflict between Spain and the United States. It brought about the end of Spanish colonization in North and South America. At the end of the war, the United States gained control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines and expanded its influence in world affairs. The Spanish American War

6 Events - $500 How did the media (newspapers) influence the events surrounding the Spanish American War? Newspapers created sensationalized news stories that outraged citizens about the unfair treatment of the Cuban people. In a desire to sell newspapers, articles and photographs about the sinking of the USS Maine were published, blaming its sinking on Spain. Some historians blame this war on the idea of yellow journalism or biased coverage, which helped fuel public support of the war.

7 People - $100 A Scottish immigrant credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Alexander Graham Bell

8 People - $200 An African American or Black, born into slavery in Missouri, who revolutionized American agriculture with his research into new crops, new uses for crops, and effective methods of soil conservation. George Washington Carver

9 People - $300 Some of these cowboys had been born enslaved, and others were the descendants of formerly enslaved people. These cowboys were able to distinguish themselves by their hard work and expertise. Black Cowboys of Texas

10 People - $400 Served as president of the United States from March 4, 1897, until he was assassinated in September of He was president during the Spanish-American War. This short conflict between the United States and Spain led to the removal of the Spanish from Cuba and increased American popular interest in obtaining colonies abroad William McKinnley

11 People - $500 He emerged as a hero of the Spanish-American War and succeeded McKinley as president when McKinley was assassinated in During his tenure as president, construction began on a canal. The building of the canal radically decreased shipping times between the East and West Coasts. Theodore Roosevelt

12 Geography - $100 A man-made water passage located in the nation of Panama. It connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Panama Canal

13 Geography - $200 Existed both north and south of Dodge City, Kansas, and allowed ranchers to move large numbers of cattle to this railroad hub for transport farther East. The Great Western Cattle Trail

14 Geography - $300 Located in North Carolina, this was where the Wright brothers had their first successful airplane flight. Kitty Hawk

15 Geography - $400 Immigrants arrived at this locations on the east and west coasts of the United States. Ellis Island, New York and Angel Island, California

16 Geography - $500 The promise of gold here helped lead to the development of the _________________. (location and event) California; transcontinental railroad

17 Economics - $100 Industrialization in growing cities as well as new technologies and innovations, made it easier for _____________to create the goods and services that households or consumers, wanted and needed. producers

18 Economics - $200 Industrialization made it possible for businesses to supply goods and services to meet the wants of American _________________ consumers

19 Economics - $300 The economic _____________ is the physical and virtual exchange of goods and services market

20 Economics - $400 Immigrants came to the United States willing to trade their labor for _______________. Monetary compensation or wages – a pay check!

21 Economics - $500 Describe the role of the cattle trails and the transcontinental railroad played in providing goods and services at the turn of the century. Transporting beef to the growing population, transporting people and goods west

22 Chance - $100 What was the MAIN reason Pittsburgh became an industrial center during the late 1800s?. It had good access to waterways.

23 Chance - $200 What is the MAIN reason Chicago, Illinois, experienced rapid growth at the turn of the 20th century? expansion of transportation systems

24 Chance - $300 From the late 1800’s century to the early 1900’s life in the United States changed from an agricultural to an _____________ society. industrialized

25 Chance - $400 From the late 1800’s century to the early 1900’s this industrialized change led to the development of _____________as well as involving movement ____________. Cities; westward

26 Chance - $500 During the late 1860’s increased immigration from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland occurred. These immigrants settled in the eastern regions of the United States where they could _______________ like they had in their home country. farm

27 Final Jeopardy A Reconstruction constitutional amendment that prohibits federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on his or her race 15th Amendment

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