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Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol. 59 (Education 2014), pp

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1 Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol. 59 (Education 2014), pp
Effects of Teenager Abuse Stress and Its Consequential Traumatic Shock on Delinquency -Focusing on journalists and reporters of the daily newspapers in Seoul – Mi-Ja Lee1, Sung-Je Cho2 1 Dept of Education at Dongbang Graduate University, 2 Dept of Education at Dongbang Graduate University, Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teenager abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock on their delinquency. To do this, a survey was conducted on 180 students from April 1 to August 1, For data analysis, an SPSS Win 18.0 program was used to perform frequency analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis. As a result, abuse stress in teenagers was shown to be significantly different depending on their age. The abuser in the family was mainly the father, brother, or sister (each 30%). More serious delinquency committed by teenagers was found in those with higher abuse stress and a higher extent of traumatic shock. This study is greatly considered basic data to contribute to preventive policy for teenager abuse and delinquency. Key words: Abuse stress, incident shock index, teenager delinquency, teenager neglect, teenager abuse 1 Introduction The family system in the modern era has shifted to a nuclear family, and the family support system has declined while increasing delinquent behavior due to increases in parental employment. As a result of these issues in family support systems, abuse stress in adolescence has tended to increase in recent times. In particular, abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock have emerged as serious social issues associated with child abuse in families. According to family child abuse data released by the national statistics office [1], the number of abuse cases increased from 9,148 cases in 2011 to 9,938 in Therefore, this study was developed to prevent abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock affecting juvenile delinquency in committing social crimes. 2 Theoretical background ISSN: ASTL Copyright © 2014 SERSC

2 3 Study methods 2.1 Necessity of Study
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.59 (Education 2014) 2.1 Necessity of Study As an industrial society shifts into the information age, followed by rapid economic development, the modern family system transforms into a nuclear family; thereby, with family support systems emerging as an important social matter, teenager abuse stress tends to increase. Abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock caused by child abuse in the family, in particular, have materialized as more serious social concerns. Exploring previous research for this study, most prior work focused on the stress on family relationships, stress on school life, economic stress, psychological stress, and internet addiction and stress. However, previous studies focusing on the effect of abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock on juvenile delinquency remain inadequate. It is, therefore, of great importance to study the improvement of current issues. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of consequential traumatic shock resulting from teenager abuse stress on juvenile delinquency. 2.2 Emerging Issues First, what are the socio-demographic characteristics of adolescent ages? Second, what are socio-demographic abuses stresses on adolescent ages? Third, what are teenager abuse stress and consequential traumatic shock? Fourth, what is the correction between teenager abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock, and teenager delinquency? Fifth, what are the effects of abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock on teenager delinquency? 3 Study methods 3.1 Subjects A survey was conducted on subjects admitted to a facility located in E-si, Gyeonggi- do. The purpose and method of the survey were thoroughly explained to subjects before it was conducted. Each questionnaire in the survey was to be completed with self-administered answers. A total of 158 surveys were collected, 157 (99%) of which were used in statistical analysis. 3.2 Study Tool Frequency analysis was performed with 7 questionnaires on socio-demographic characteristics. The life stress index developed by Gyeomgu Jeon and Gyoheon Kim (1991) [2] and 10 questions from a survey on the relationships between depression vulnerability, severity of depression, personality level, and negative life stress, revised by Okwhee Cho (1993) [3], were used as investigative tools for life stress in Copyright © 2014 SERSC 59

3 Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.59 (Education 2014)
adolescence. The reliability coefficient, Cronbach's α, was Based on the Impact of Event Scale (IES: 1979), which was developed by Horowitz, Wilner, and Alvarez [4] to investigate a traumatic experience and its adaptation process, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R : 1997), developed by Weiss and Marmar [5], was used as a reference. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised-Korean version (IES-R-K), which was adopted by Hyeonjeong Eun [6] to prove validity and reliability, was used in this study as a studying tool. Cronbach's α was shown at 3.3 Study Methods 3.3.1 Data Analysis The detailed empirical analysis of this study is as follows. Frequency analysis was conducted to investigate socio-demographic characteristics. In order to investigate abuse stress and its consequential traumatic experiences, a t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed. In addition, Scheffe's multiple-range test was conducted to verify a significant difference at p<. 05. A correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of abuse stress and its consequential traumatic experiences on teenager delinquency. The empirical analysis of this study has been verified at a significance level of 5%. SPSS Win 18.0 was used for statistical analysis. 4 Results of analysis 4.1 Reliability analysis of the survey tools In this study, Cronbach's α was used as a confidence coefficient to investigate the stability, consistency, and potential prediction on each item collected through the survey. 4.2 What are the socio-demographic characteristics of subjects? Considering the socio-demographic characteristics of subjects, 34.4% were male and 65.6% were female. Those aged 18 years and over formed the largest portion (26.8%), whereas 11-year-olds accounted for the smallest portion (12.1%). Regarding family structure, families with siblings (brother(s) or sister(s)) made up the largest portion (25.6%) and a father or sibling acting as the abuser in the family accounted for the largest portions, each at 30%. 4.3 What are the socio-demographic abuses stresses on teenagers? The difference in stress following a teenager’s gender and age was significant, and 60 Copyright © 2014 SERSC

4 4.4 What is the extent of a teenager’s traumatic shock on abuse?
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.59 (Education 2014) higher levels of stress were found in females than males (p<. 05). The group aged between 16 and 17 years was found to have the highest stress. 4.4 What is the extent of a teenager’s traumatic shock on abuse? Regarding the difference in traumatic shock marked by a teenager’s gender and age, more serious traumatic shock was found in females than males (p<. 05). The group of 18-year-olds was found to have the most intensified traumatic shock. 4.5 What is the correction between teenager abuse stress, its consequential traumatic shock, and teenager delinquency? A significant correlation was found between teenager delinquency and the environmental factor of stress (r=. 387, p<. 001), relational factor (r=. 479, p<. 001), and the extent of incident shock (r=. 525, p<. 001). 4.6 How is the impact of abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock significant? Multiple regression analysis performed on the effect of abuse stress and the extent of incident shock on teenager delinquency has revealed that the regression model was =0.791, making up 79.1% of the overall changes; therefore, the extent of incident shock ( =. 103, p<. 05) was shown to have a significant impact on teenager delinquency. 5 Discussion and Conclusion In this study, the impacts of teenager abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock on their delinquency were analyzed. The results of this study are as follows: First, higher abuse stress was associated with female rather than male subjects. The highest stress was found in those aged between 16 and 17 years, whereas the lowest stress was found in those aged 11 years or younger. In [7] it was reported that those having higher stress were shown to choose emotional-oriented measures over issue- oriented measures. Those taking issue-oriented measures were shown to have higher self-respect. This result corresponds to the higher effect of abuse stress on teenager delinquency. Therefore, those teenage victims of family abuse should be faithful to current relationships by improving parent-child relationships through cognitive treatment activities. Second, higher traumatic shock from experienced abuse was found in higher age groups; furthermore, severe traumatic shock was associated with teenagers committing more serious acts of delinquency. In addition, higher ages were shown to have more severe levels of traumatic shock in terms of insomnia, emotional paralysis, and dissociation symptoms, which is significant to the results drawn from Copyright © 2014 SERSC 61

5 Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.59 (Education 2014)
[8]. Parental child abuse should be eradicated in order to prevent traumatic shock from experienced abuse. The implications of this study were considered to determine that parents trained with proper education and abuse prevention education will help in avoiding teenager delinquency developing into a further commitment to crime, as higher delinquency was associated with higher abuse stress and its consequential traumatic shock. Based on these aforementioned results, the following research is to be proposed from this study. First, a study on the correlation between abuse experiences in childhood and delinquency is highly required. Second, additional work is required to prevent delinquency due to the lack of current studies focusing on the incident shock index. References Statistics data published by the national statistics office (2013) GG Jeon and KH Kim, Development of Life Stress for Undergraduates: A control-theoretical approach, Korean Journal of Psychology: Clinical, Edition 10 Vol. no (1991) OW Cho, Depression Vulnerability and Severity of Depression, Relationship between Personality and Negative Life Stress, Graduate School of Jungang University, doctoral thesis (1994) Horowitz, M., Wilner, N., & Alvarez, W.: Impact of Event Scale: A measure of subjective stress, Journal of Bio behavioral Medicine, Vol. 41, pp (1979) Weiss DS․ Marmar CR.: The Impact of Event Scale-Revised. Wilson JP, Keane TM, editors. Assessing psychological trauma and PT-SD, New York Guliford Press, pp (1997) HJ Eun, TW Kwan, SM Lee, TH Kim, ML Choi and SJ Cho: Study on Reliability and Validity of Korean Impact of Event Scale-Revised Korean version, Neuro-psychology, 44(3), pp (2005) SJ Lee, Stress and Psychological Response of Teenager Abused in Childhood: focused on the mediating effect of response, associate professor, social welfare department, Gyeongil University, Korean Society of Family, Family and Culture. Edition 25. Vol. No. 1, pp (2013) ET Yoo and SJ Cho, Effect of Rescue’s Traumatic Shock on Emotional Exhaustion and Physical Symptoms, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 13(3), PP1-8 (2013) Mi-Ja Lee1 and Sung-Je Cho2, Study on the affect of abuse and neglect On juvenile delinquencies- Focused on Gyeonggi-do social welfare -, Dongbang University, Academic Industrial Society Korea (2014) Mi-Ja Lee1 and Sung-Je Cho2, Effect of Teenager Abuse Stress and Its Consequential Traumatic Shock on Delinquency, Dongbang University (private) Paper of International Academic Conference Proceedings (International Conference Paper) (2014) 62 Copyright © 2014 SERSC

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