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Chapter 3.

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1 Chapter 3

2 Trade Competition 1400s, Europe competes for Global Trade control
Silk Road = Europe to China Italy = important trade center

3 Voyage of Columbus King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed his voyage Landed on San Salvador = Saint Savior Columbus died thinking he found Asia

4 Spice Trade Spices were used for flavor and food preservation
Control over spice trade = great wealth and power New spices

5 Legacy of Columbus Columbus claimed the land, people, and wealth for Spain Conquistadors sailed to America to conquer Columbus had a desire for glory

6 Your highness commanded me that, with a sufficient fleet, I should go to the said parts of India, and for this accorded me great rewards and ennobled me so that from that time henceforth I might style myself “Don” and be high admiral of the Ocean Sea and viceroy and perpetual Governor of the islands and continent which I should discover… and that my eldest son should succeed to the same position, and so on from generation to generation forever

7 Treatment of Indians Columbus interacted with the Taino
At first interactions were friendly Columbus insisted on tributes

8 Encomienda Granted land and the Natives living on the land to colonists for service They were expected to protect, care, and teach the Natives Catholicism Was not meant to be cruel, but was

9 Bartolome de Las Casas Granted an Encomienda in 1513
Gave back his encomienda after a few years “The Brief Account of the destruction of the Indies” The king cracked down

10 “Our Spaniards have not more consideration for them than beasts
“Our Spaniards have not more consideration for them than beasts. And I say this from my own knowledge of the acts I witnessed. But I should say not ‘than beasts’ for, thanks be to God, they have Heaven. Only after the Spaniards had used violence against them, killing, robbing, torturing, did Indians ever rise up against them”

11 Daily Questions Who financed Columbus’ voyage?
How long did Columbus believe he found Asia? What was the Encomienda?

12 Answers King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Till his dying day
Land granted and Natives granted to Spaniards

13 New Spain Conquistadors wanted fame and fortune Spread Catholicism
Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro = Most famous

14 Hernan Cortes Twice elected mayor of Santiago
1519 he landed in the Yucatan Peninsula Cortes met the Mayans


16 Mayans Built flat top pyramids Had a calendar Advanced in astronomy
Malinche (Mayan Princess) served as guide for Cortes


18 Fall of the Aztecs Encountered Aztecs near today’s Mexico City
Practiced human sacrifices Cortes was welcomed at first


20 Daily Questions Who was one of the most famous conquistadors?
Who was Malinche? How did the Aztec Empire fall?

21 Answers Hernan Cortes She was a Mayan princess who was a guide for Cortes Cortes used the other tribes’ hatred to bring down the aztecs

22 Death by Disease Cortes and his army of Natives killed thousands of Natives, there was a bigger threat Smallpox Smallpox = Main cause of death 80-95% died


24 New Colony Aztec Empire became Spanish land Aztec Empire = New Spain
Tenochtitlan = Mexico City


26 Conquest of Peru Francisco Pizarro set off towards America
Arrived in Peru in 1531 Atahualpa refused to convert Pizarro Attacked Smallpox epidemic made them easy to defeat

27 Enough is never Enough The Spanish wanted more gold
Eventually the expeditions made there way to New Mexico

28 Cabeza de Vaca Cabeza and a slave, Estaban were captured by Natives
They escaped July 1536 finally saw Spaniards

29 Legend of Cibola Natives told Cabeza de Vaca about great wealth
The stories were elaborated, cities of gold The Spanish wanted the wealth

30 Esteban de Dorantes From Northern Africa Captured by the Portuguese
Andres Dorantes made him a slave Learned Native Languages

31 Esteban leads the Way Fray Marcos de Niza was the leader
Esteban was the most valuable He was familiar with the land


33 Name Chapter Date Re-write question Answer question

34 Essential Question Answer in 2 sentences on an index card
How did Spanish exploration and colonization affect New Mexico’s native population?

35 Zuni Esteban and a small group traveled ahead
He rattled a gourd and ordered gifts Esteban sent word that the village of Hawikuh had many people Esteban was never heard from again


37 Fray Marcos and Zuni Fray Marcos was worried about his own safety
He thought he saw buildings made of gold from atop a hill Fray Marcos sent word that Hawikuh was not just one city, but seven


39 Coronado heads North Coronado searched for the seven cities of Cibola
Largest expedition: 300 soldiers, 3 women, 800 Native allies, slaves, and 1500 animals

40 Coronado heads North They reached Zuni, the Zunis fought, but they lost Rather than 7 large cities in Hawikuh there were only 6 small ones Fray Marcos returned to New Spain in disgrace

41 Grand Canyon Expeditions were sent out
Soldiers came across the grand Canyon They called it “Useless piece of Property”



44 Conflict with Pueblos Hopi in Arizona, Acoma in Grants, Pecos in Las Vegas, NM Natives first were kind and shared their homes and food Spanish took advantage The Natives were enslaved

45 More Rumors Coronado made his way to Quivira
It was a small Native village, no wealth Made there way back to New Spain Three Priests were never heard from again



48 Success or Failure Coronado thought their expeditions were a failure
Historians believe it to be a success

49 Essential Question Answer in 4 sentences on an index card
How did Coronado’s explorations affect the people and the New land that was discovered? What discoveries did Coronado and his men make? In your opinion was his exploration a success or failure?

50 The Spanish Return 1598 King Philip II sent an expedition to settle NM
King Philip II believed there was wealth in Northern NM The Spanish called the northern frontier nueva Mexico

51 Don Juan de Oñate Oñate was an excellent choice
Political leader in New Spain Oñate’s expedition=150 families (men, women, and Children) and 10 priests 83 wagons carried their tools

52 Describe in detail your overall impression of the photograph
Divide the photograph into quadrants, in what new ways do new details become visible List people, objects, and activities you see What can you learn from the photograph What details in the image suggest how the artist viewed Oñate

53 El Camino real The trip took 6 months El Camino Real = Royal Road
Rio del Norte = Rio Grande They stopped near El Paso, TX Oñate declared the land kingdom of New Mexico


55 Jornada del Muerto 90 mile stretch of the El Camino Real = Jornada del Muerto A dog led them to water The pool of water became known as Los Charcos del Perillo The Natives were extremely helpful


57 Demands are Made Settled in Ohke later to be called San Juan
They relied on the Puebloans to feed them The Spaniards wanted more

58 Essential Question Answer in 4 sentences on an index card
How do you think Onate’s explorations will affect the people and the New land that was discovered? In your opinion did Onate contribute any positivity to the settling of NM?

59 Acoma Revolt They believed they could defy the Spanish
December 1598 the Acoma Revolt took place The Acoma killed one of Onate’s nephews


61 Acoma Revolt In January the Spanish climbed the cliff 3 day battle
Spanish women defended their homes with their soldiers away

62 Acoma Revolt Onate won The Puebloans who survived were enslaved
Young warriors had their right foot cut off

63 Who and why do you think Onate’s foot was cut off of his statue?

64 Trouble from Within The colonists were also giving Onate trouble
Many complained of the harsh climate and lack of food They wanted to return to New Spain, Onate refused to allow it

65 Resuming the Search Onate decided to continue the search of the Seven Cities of Cibola In the West he came across a 200ft sandstone and carved his name and date in it

66 Resuming the Search The sandstone became known as El Morro = the bluff
A bluff is a steep cliff

67 Paso Por Aqui = Passed by here
Why do you think Onate carved his name, date, and the message on the rock What conclusions can be drawn about Onate from what he carved into the rock

68 Resuming the Search Onate traveled to many of the same places as Coronado When Onate found nothing but buffalo he returned to San Juan

69 Resuming the Search Many of the colonists had returned to New Spain
The colonists told the government of Onate’s harsh treatment and no riches Onate returned to Mexico only to be Banished

70 Spanish decide to Stay Onate left in 1607
The Spanish had to decide, go or stay Viceroy of New Spain begged the king not to abandon

71 Spanish decide to Stay The king decided to stay
Rather than wealth, they would search for spiritual wealth In Spain many were abandoning their faith

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