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Advisor :Dr. Chin-Ying Lin Presenter :Vivian Tsai June 8, 2009

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Presentation on theme: "Advisor :Dr. Chin-Ying Lin Presenter :Vivian Tsai June 8, 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advisor :Dr. Chin-Ying Lin Presenter :Vivian Tsai June 8, 2009
Cross-Cultural Adjustment of the Native English-Speaking Teacher at School in Taiwan- A case Study Advisor :Dr. Chin-Ying Lin Presenter :Vivian Tsai June 8, 2009

2 Contents I Introduction II Purposes of the Study Research Questions
III Research Questions Literature Review IV V Methodology 2

3 Introduction Background of the Study
In academia, the emergence of globalization as a dominant discourse has generated heated debates on issues such as whether the world is becoming more homogenous or heterogeneous. (Ke, 2008) 3

4 Introduction Statement of the Problems
There is a limited amount of research that has focused on native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) in Taiwan, especially related to their cross-cultural adjustment on educational organization and teaching. 4

5 Introduction Purposes of the Study
to explore the notion of the factor---the cross-cultural adjustment of the native English-speaking teacher at schools in Taiwan to investigate the view with respect to educational administrators for the native English-speaking teachers in Taiwan 5

6 Introduction Research Questions
How does the native English-speaking teacher adjust culture shock of at schools in Taiwan? What are the expectations between the native English-speaking teacher and the educational administrators in Taiwan? 6

7 Cross-cultural Adjustment
Literature Review World Culture Academic Culture Culture in Organizations Cross-cultural Adjustment Culture in Educational Administration Culture Shock 7

8 Literature Review World Culture
That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by human as a member of society. (Tylor, 2004) 8

9 Literature Review Academic Culture
The miniaturization of the concept of culture so that researchers study and write about the culture of the school or even the culture of the classroom. (Scollon,1999) 9

10 Literature Review Culture in Organizations
A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration. (Schein, 2002) 10

11 Literature Review Culture in Educational Administration
Some characteristics of school culture that we tend to regard as fixed are attributable to differences in national culture and expectations. (Huberman, 2000) For instance, the Swiss traditionally prefer a homogeneous education, although their system is rather decentralized 11

12 Literature Review Cross-culture in Schools
Cross-national different is in teaching, curriculum, and patterns of academic tracking that reflects differences in national culture and ideology. (Schmidt et al., 2006) 12

13 Literature Review Culture Shock
Culture shock is becoming the intercultural competent consists of changing values, greater self-confidence, and a change in perspective. (Taylor, 2004) 13

14 Literature Review Cross-cultural Adjustment
It follows logically that the various antecedents to adjustment may have different degrees of impact on each facet of adjustment. (Palthe, 2004) work, interaction, and general 14

15 Methodology Research Design Instrument Procedure 15

16 Methodology Case Study Method
It refers to a method that complements survey and experimental techniques, one which provides detailed information about the research. (Gomm et al., 2000) 16

17 Methodology Qualitative approaches
With qualitative approaches, respondents have more freedom to express their feelings, so cultural differences and cross-cultural adjustment could be better captured. (Barling et al., 2004) qualitative approaches emphasize description, understanding, and interpretation of the stressful events by interviewing subjects or using open-ended questionnaires (Parkes, 1985) 17

18 Methodology Social Validity
Socially valid findings may be achieved through the use of participatory action research, which, in its theoretical orientation, helps bring the results of research closer to adoption. (Forster & Mash, 1999) because those who are ultimately called on to implement the new best practices were part of the process of validating those evidence-based practices 18

19 Methodology Subjective Judgment
As one of social validity method, it is a popular method for quantifying subjective judgment utilizes the dominant eigenvector of a matrix of paired comparisons. (Schlosser, 2003) It is one of social validity method 19

20 Methodology Department of English at NTIT 20 Administrators
Questionnaires NEST Interview National Taichung Institute of Technology 20

21 Methodology Instruments Documentary Analysis In-Depth Interview
NEST Documentary Analysis Organizing Reading Description Classifying Interpretation In-Depth Interview Face-to-face interview Two hours and recorded Open-ended questions Follow-up interviews 21

22 Methodology Instruments 22
Administrators Questionnaires Educational organization and administration in schools Hiring the native English- speaking teachers in schools Administration assistants AE AH Teaching assistants TE TH Student assistants SE SH 22

23 Methodology Procedure Data Analysis 23 NEST Interview Administrators
Questionnaires Data Analysis 23

24 Cross-Cultural Adjustment
Methodology Data Analysis NEST Interview Part I NEST Interview Part II Research Q1 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 24

25 Viewpoints and Expectations
Methodology Data Analysis NEST Interview Part I Administrators Questionnaires Part I+II Research Q2 Viewpoints and Expectations 25

26 Thank You!

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