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Logical Fallacies and Human Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Logical Fallacies and Human Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logical Fallacies and Human Behavior
How To debate Logical Fallacies and Human Behavior

2 Learning Human Behavior Emotion Attitude Involvement
Push Some Buttons! Bipolar Model of Political Cognition Learning

3 Facts Simple Have a Faceted Based Logical Argument.
Some Good ones to use are Money Based Facts and Emonital Based Fact Ex. The Capital punishment cost about 304 Billion dollar a year for the tax pay do to the number of appeals a death row inmate is aloud to have. So that’s around 1 million dollars for each Death row inmate. -

4 Moral Foundation Theory
Appeal to Morality Moral Foundation Theory Individualizing Foundations Binding Foundations Fairness/ Reciprocity Ingroup/ Loyalty Harm/ Care Authority/ Respect Purity/ Sanctity People Relate more heavy with their sense of harm and care therefore to appeal to that sense would be more advantages in a debate. Ex. Dede Wenzer…..

5 Be Honest, And Open Minded
What is Being Honest? What is Being Open Minded


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