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Presentation on theme: "NCAA – MEC -WVSU RULES TO KNOW"— Presentation transcript:

What you need to know to stay eligible!

2 Agenda/Topics to Be Covered
Athletic Training Paperwork Sports Information NCAA & MEC & WVSU Rules

Updating Insurance Paperwork every year – most important Concussion / Impact Test Physical Paperwork Needed /SICKLE CELL/ Updating Yearly Medical Red-shirt starts with severe injury & trainers NCAA & WVSU Drug Testing 1 day or less notification Where can I find information -

Your coaches control the information on the web site MEC REGULATIONS Redshirt – if you do not play your freshman year and rejoin the team the next year, you will be listed as a RS-Freshman STATS ISSUE You must go through your coach for me to correct. I review all stats after all team games SOCIAL MEDIA The paperwork you are filling out today makes you responsible for public posts. You can be disciplined by the MEC, NCAA, and WVSU on public posts.

5 NCAA RULES Did you receive the from and complete the annual NCAA Paperwork – This is the Annual paperwork for everyone The NCAA Eligibility Center for knew people, IE 1st time, freshman-transfer-walk-ons, Did you complete the Amateurism? If you are Freshman send all transcripts and ACT/SAT scores to the NCAA eligibility Center?

6 Sportsmanship Policy 2.1 It shall be the responsibility of each member institution to ensure that all individuals employed by or directly associated with the athletics program of that institution, including its student-athletes, conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner when representing their institution, especially at intercollegiate athletic contests. 2.2 The Conference Office shall distribute a Sportsmanlike Code of Conduct Policy to the Conference institutions for distribution to the student-athletes and coaches at their pre- season compliance meetings. All student-athletes will be required to sign the Sportsmanlike Code of Conduct policy to be eligible for competition.

SECTION 3: INAPPROPRIATE CONDUCT 3.1 Inappropriate conduct shall subject the individual to disciplinary action The member institution with which the individual exhibiting inappropriate conduct is associated may also be subject to disciplinary action if it is found that the institution’s policies, actions, or failure to act, substantially contributed to the individual's misconduct For purposes of this Bylaw, inappropriate conduct shall include, but not be limited to: a) Any person, coach, or student-athlete ejected from a contest. Mountain East physically abuses, or makes inappropriate contact with an official, opposing coach, player or spectator. c) Any person who intentionally incites participants or spectators to violent or abusive action in any form. d) Any person who uses obscene gestures or profane or unduly provocative language or action towards officials, opponents or spectators. e) Any person who engages in negative recruiting by making statements to a prospective student-athlete, parent, high school coach or other person interested in the prospective student-athlete which are not of a positive nature about another academic institution or its personnel. f) Any person involved with what is determined to be inappropriate conduct via social media and/or any other communicative platform. g) Acts of inappropriate conduct not specifically prescribed. h) Any person who publicly is unduly critical of any game official, Conference personnel, another member institution or its personnel.

8 SECTION 4: PENALTIES 4.1 When the Commissioner concludes after a reasonable investigation, that there has been a violation of any of the regulations regarding appropriate conduct, the Commissioner will bear the responsibility of determining the appropriate level of disciplinary action to be levied. The Commissioner will advise the Director of Athletics of the involved institution of any penalties (suspension, public or private admonishment, restriction from activities, etc.) and the associated Board of Directors member will be notified of the determination for disciplinary action to be imposed. The Commissioner will report any disciplinary action to the members of the MEC Conduct Committee. If an institution wishes to appeal the penalty imposed by The Commissioner, it will have 24 hours from the point of official notification of a penalty imposed by the conference office to inform The Commissioner of its intention to appeal to the Conduct Committee. A fee of $250 will be collected for an appeal to be heard by the Conduct Committee. The Commissioner will provide all relevant information from the MEC Office investigation to the Conduct Committee and will serve the Conduct Committee in the fashion it sees fit during the appeal process. If a penalty is overturned on appeal by the MEC Conduct Committee, the fee for the appeal to be heard is returned to the institution that invoked such appeal. For more information Final.pdf?id=1052

9 The 19 things you need to know
1-4 5-8 1. West Virginia State University Athletic Department requires all student to have medical insurance before participating in any physical activities, including try-outs. 2. By signing this form, you are responsible for your eligibility under NCAA and WVSU Student Athlete Regulations. A copy of the student-athlete handbook is available in the online education site for student-athletes and on the athletic web page. West Virginia State University does not grant transfer releases to Mountain East Conference Member Institutions. Student-Athletes must request an appeal hearing in writing per NCAA Bylaw. 3. You use a semester every time you are enrolled in 12 or more hours as of the first day of class. You have four seasons of competition per sport to use within 10 semesters. You use a semester each time you register full- time or compete while part-time (Junior College Transfers). Medical red- shirt gives you back a year of eligibility, but not a term of attendance. Medical Redshirt rules have changed starting … a. All Medical Documentation must be on file with Athletic Trainer before a Medical Hardship Waiver can be processed on your behalf. The injury must occur during the 1st half of your sports season and you can play in no more than 30% of the total games. All Medical Documentation must be current, with the time of the injury and the injury must be serious enough to prevent you from completing the season. (see flyer) 4. Gambling is illegal under NCAA Regulations. The following are examples of illegal activities; Fantasy Sport Leagues, betting on NCAA Bowl Games, NCAA Basketball Tournament, Super Bowl Pools, Parlay Cards, Etc. 5. Athletic Aid can be offered one year at a time. We can only pay for Room, Board, Tuition, Fees, and Course related books, and supplies. WVSU Financial Aid must contact you annually by July 1 if your athletic aid has been renewed or not. Work Study Fraud is a violation of NCAA Rules and US Department of Education & Federal Law. Your athletic aid can be taken during any term you are not academically eligible. 6. You must have an official transcript(s) (no faxes) from all institutions attended, high school with graduation date, and collegiate, on file in the Registrar’s Office. Thus, if you took a one-hour PE course during the summer, you need that transcript or else you will not play. 7. The NCAA Penalty for Academic Fraud – “Cheating” – is that the student athlete loses a season of competition and two terms under the 10 semester rule before playing again. 8. Determining Eligibility All students must have their Amateurism certified for all sports before competing/45 days practicing. b. All student-athletes must be in Good Academic Standing at all times. c. Transfer must satisfy appropriate NCAA Regulation & pass at least 9 hrs last full time term. d. Returning students must have GPA e. Freshman must be an NCAA D2 Qualifier in order to compete during your first two terms of college attendance.

10 The 19 things you need to know
13-15 9-12 9. Staying Eligible a. You must pass 9 hours per term to stay eligible the next term; must pass 18 hours during the traditional school year and must have 24 hours for the Academic Year. A maximum of 6 hours in the summer to get to 24 for year. There is no limit on hours needed for GPA. i. Example Fall hrs passed = NOT ELIGIBLE SPRING 2018 ii. Example Fall hrs + Spring hrs = NOT ELIGIBLE FALL 2018 b. You must have a 2.00 in order to be certified eligible at all NCAA D2 institutions to compete to start the academic year. Once eligible, you must stay in Good Standing between terms, -11 QPTS or Less. If at a 2.00 GPA, 12 hrs of D will make you ineligible the next term. 10. At the start of your 5th semester, you must designate a four year degree and work toward that degree. All 24 hours must be used toward graduation. You need to be aware of electives, cognates, and the requirements to graduate. 11. If you take courses off campus, you must receive approval from WVSU. You may only take six hours during summer school to be used toward your 24 hours passed. You should see Faculty Athletic Representative Dr. Settle before dropping, adding, or taking a course off campus. 12. If you receive a benefit not available to the public, this is a violation of NCAA Regulations and will result in suspension from competition. Unethical behavior is also a violation of NCAA Regulations and will result in suspension from competition. Examples of this are discounts for food, clothing, and other merchandise at a local store or restaurant. A person not legally related to you giving you food, clothing, money, etc. 13. The NCAA and WVSU Athletic Department both test for Performance Enhancing Drugs, Street Drugs, and Synthetic Designer drugs year round. Products purchased over the counter can cause you to test positive. The paperwork you are signing allows the NCAA and West Virginia State University to test you at anytime. There is no notice or warning of a test. Your Athletic Aid can be removed immediately. 14. A single play against outside competition during the regular championship segment is a season of competition for all sports. There are no exceptions for football. There are exceptions for other sports – ask questions or lose eligibility…. a. No tobacco can be used during practice or play. b. When your sport is in-season, you are allowed 20 hours a week of practice and are required to take one day off per week. When your sport is out of season, you are allowed a maximum of 8 hours a week, including a maximum of 2 hours of skill instruction and are required to take two days off per week. It is illegal for your coach to request proof of your summer work outs or conditioning. Fall Ball / Spring Volleyball can work 15 hours a week with a max of 4 hours a day with two days off over a 45 day period. c. All sports have 14 days off between your last game and the start of your off-season conditioning. d. Fall Sports are allowed to work with a strength & conditioning coach during the summer. An NCAA D2 Team Sport Coach, (paid-volunteer-student-etc) cannot coach their student-athletes during the summer or observe their workouts unless they are certified. 15. A student-athlete with remaining eligibility is not permitted to conduct his/her own camp or clinic. Student Athletes are allowed to coach local club teams and be compensated by that team. That money must be reported to the NCAA Compliance Officer. Student Athletes are allowed to give individual lessons in there sport. The Coach, Director of Athletics, and Compliance Officer must approve the lessons. The form is on the athletic department web page.

11 The 19 things you need to know
NEW RULE ON YOUR MIND 16-19 16. Once school has started for the fall or spring term, you cannot compete on any outside team in your sport, this includes intramurals. Therefore, baseball, softball, volleyball, football (flag football) and basketball (other team sports) cannot compete with your summer league team. Individual sports, golf-tennis- track, can play as individuals in outside competition during the school year, as long as their team is not in season. 17. A student-athlete may try out with a professional athletics team in a sport or permit a professional athletics team to conduct medical examinations at any time outside the student-athlete's playing and practice season (20 hour/ 1 Day off Segment). A student-athlete may receive actual and necessary expenses related to the tryout from a professional sports organization, provided the tryout does not exceed 48 hours You cannot miss class to have a professional tryout. 18. Promotional Activities for Institutional, Charitable, Educational or Nonprofit Promotions. If you are asked to appear or assist in any of these activities and your name, picture or likeness is used to support the event, you need permission from the Director of Athletics. 19. West Virginia State University has 45 days to determine your academic and amateur eligibility. You are allowed to practice during this time. It is a violation of NCAA Rules to let a student-athlete knowingly not eligible to participate in activities per NCAA Bylaw It is a $ fine per match/game per student- athlete. NEW RULE MEDICAL REDSHIRT Football can play in 4 games before teams 6th game Volleyball can play in 8 games before teams 14th game Tennis can play in 8 games before team 13th game Basketball can play in 8 games before team 14th game Baseball can play in 15 games before team 26th game Softball can play in 17 games before team 29th game Golf can play in 7 games before team 11th game Cross Country can play in 3 games before team 4th game c.

WVSU 19 THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT YOUR ELIGIBILITY WVSU ATHLETIC TRAINING DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES/PAPERWORK Mountain East Conference Sportsmanship KAHOOT QUIZ TIME – Get out your cell phone – go to Kahoot Quiz - d95a-4c87-92c8-290bff54e9da


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