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George Orwell’s 1984 Part Three.

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1 George Orwell’s 1984 Part Three

2 Plot Diagram Review Exposition- intro of characters, elements of setting (time, place) Inciting Incident/exciting force- introduction of major conflict, force that drives rest of plot Complication (aka Rising Action)- struggles intensify, plot events leading toward climax Climax- highest point of tension/action Denouement (aka Falling Action)- events following climax, leading toward resolution Resolution- loose ends tied up; major problems solved!

3 Plot Diagram Plot Points So Far….
Exposition- intro of characters, elements of setting (time, place)- All of Book I Inciting Incident- “I Love you” note Complication/Rising Action- Book II ---basically everything up until the end of the ‘capture’ by Thought Police Climax- Book 3, All events contained within chapters 1 & 2

4 Chapter I Chapter begins w/ Winston in Ministry of Love (Miniluv in Newspeak). One cannot say w/ any certainty how long he has actually been there- maybe 36 hrs? Terrible treatment- W hasn’t eaten since his capture. He is now Prisoner 6079. Notice: differences btwn behavior of Party prisoners (“terrified”) and “common criminals” (somewhat fearless, bold)…. the foul 60 yr-old drunkard woman named Smith. Could she actually be his mother?....

5 Chapter I Also, notice the allusion to “the place with no darkness…”
The Miniluv has no windows. New prisoner in W’s cell: poet Ampleforth, who was thrown into prison for using the word God in his poems Who does Winston think of w/ some hope?... (O’Brien) Also, why is he thinking of a razor blade?.....

6 Chapter I Ampleforth is given orders to proceed to Room We don’t know what this actually is yet…. Tom Parsons marches in next, found guilty of a thoughtcrime; his daughter turned him in. He’d talked in his sleep, murmuring “Down w/ Big Brother.” – (Had W thought that Tom would be vaporized?...) How does Parsons feel about the Party? Also, how does he feel about his daughter?....

7 Chapter I Notice how terrible Room 101 must actually be: how does W’s fellow prisoner- the emaciated man- react to the thought of being sent there? New character: “chinless” Bumstead- beaten for trying to give emaciated man some food. Emaciated man taken to Room 101. O’Brien enters: he betrayed Winston. We do know what “the place w/ no darkness” actually is- Miniluv, or W’s cell…. Winston’s left arm is disabled by truncheon...

8 Chapter 2 Major themes: torture & confessions
All of this is “preliminary,” leading up to “interrogation.” Party’s real weapon: “merciless questioning…” Notice all the crazy things that Winston actually confesses to on. Why does he do this?....

9 “thought is all we [the Party] care about…”
Chapter 2 How is doublethink at work in the novel? O’Brien: Psychological torture: 2+2=5 if Party says it is. This IS true despite what you might think. Recall that Winston had wanted to hold onto 2+2=4 to save his sanity. “thought is all we [the Party] care about…” According to O’Brien, Winston suffers from “a defective memory” and is “mentally deranged.” Party can make him sane…

10 Chapter 2 Why is O’Brien’s use of the needle/drugs on Winston significant? Winston now engages in doublethink as seen in his saying that 2+2= 5. Notice that Julia, at least according to O’Brien, has betrayed Winston and is converted. Big Brother ‘exists.’ We are not given a clear answer about the Brotherhood or Julia’s torture….

11 Denouement begins in this chapter.
Remember: climax includes all plot points from the 1st two chapters of Book 3 (imprisonment + early torture+ Julia’s betrayal) Denouement begins in this chapter. 3 stages to reintegration: learning, understanding, acceptance Learning has taken place. O’Brien is trying to make Winston ‘understand’ how things work Recall W’s earlier quote: “I understand how but not why..”

12 Chapter 3 O’Brien tries to make Winston understand: Party’s main interest- the need for power. It is only interested in power as a final goal. Party wants complete omnipotence. Once the Party controls the minds of the people, it has ultimate power. Destruction of emotions, relationships, sexual desire- all key. Does the individual have any power?- power not to be an individual….

13 Chapter 3 O’Brien instructs Winston to look in mirror, and we can see how completely physically broken and damaged Winston has become. Winston- while he may have admitted some damaging pieces of info about Julia to the Party/O’Brien- he “had not betrayed her.” He still loves her…  O’Brien- we will get you in the end and break you….

14 “He had capitulated….He accepted everything….Anything could be true….”
Chapter 4 Winston’s health has dramatically improved. Months seem to have passed. “He had capitulated….He accepted everything….Anything could be true….” As Winston writes in his diary, it is clear he had yielded given in to the Party. He knows they watched him for 7 years. Winston is trying to become better at crimestop- the ability to “develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought occurs…” (stopping a thoughtcrime in its tracks- a very difficult process for Winston)

15 Chapter 4 Winston cries out Julia’s name- not a good idea! Winston knows that they (O’Brien/Party) will get him for this. Denouement ends when W shouts Julia’s name Winston is sent to Room 101 for shouting out Julia’s name and admitting he hates Big Brother. Winston is told he has to love BB.

16 Resolution begins here….
Chapter 5 Resolution begins here…. Room 101- “the worst thing in the world”- a place where one has to deal with and confront his deepest, darkest fears. For Winston, this is rats. (Remember this from the episode w/ Julia in Charrington’s room). Winston’s reintegration is now complete. He shouts out that the rats should be thrown on Julia.... “Not me! Julia! Not me!”

17 Chapter 6 Much time seems to have passed as Winston sits at the Chestnut Tree Café. He is out of prison. War has changed again. Oceania is now at war with Eurasia. Winston is not fazed since his reintegration is complete. The meeting he had had w/ Julia was bleak. They have no attraction to one another (“dislike”) and admit they betrayed each other. Winston thinks of his mother, his childhood since sometimes he is trouble by “false memories.” As O’Brien had promised, W is shot in the back of the head. Upon his death, how does W seem to feel about BB?....

18 Plot Diagramming Exposition- All of Book 1
Inciting Incident- “I love you.” Complication (aka Rising Action)- Book 2 (everything up until end of W & Julia’s capture) Climax- Book 3, Chapters 1 &2- ends w/ Julia’s betrayal Denouement (aka Falling Action)- Book 3, chapters 3 & 4 Resolution- last 2 chapters of Book (starts w/ Winston actually being in Room 101)

19 Test Review: Key Terms, Ideas
Newspeak Brotherhood Doublethink goodthinkful Miniluv crimestop Thought Police/family symbols Thoughtcrime fear & Room 101 Flashbacks Hate Week/shifting focus of war Foreshadowing reintegration process Allusion “freedom” Golden Country “folly” Pornosec/Rewrite Squad “capitulated” Reclamation Center Power and the Party- why do they want it?

20 Characters/Quotes Katherine, Wilsher, and Julia Martin & O’Brien
Charrington Skull-faced, emaciated man, Tom Parsons, Ampleforth, & Bumstead (who else?...) Syme Singing female prole (laundry lady) Party prisoners vs. common criminals Jones, Aaronson, & Rutherford Review all quotes from presentation….

21 Due Monday Bring to class a typed full-length introduction with a clearly defined thesis statement. On Tuesday, bring your sources to class with a typed list of direct and indirect quotes drawn from these sources. These quotes should be useful and relevant to the focus of your paper. Also, do the same for 1984.

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