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Live In Security… Leave a Legacy

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Presentation on theme: "Live In Security… Leave a Legacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Live In Security… Leave a Legacy
Safe Harbor Term Live In Security… Leave a Legacy Things you never thought your term life insurance could do!

2 Do you own the old traditional term life insurance?
Safe Harbor Term Do you own the old traditional term life insurance? Where somebody has to die to receive any benefit at all...

3 How Is This Possible? Safe Harbor Term
You can own the new term life insurance that can pay benefits to you… even if you don’t quite make it to your funeral. How Is This Possible?

4 Introducing Safe Harbor Term
LIFE INSURANCE Life Insurance with Living Benefits

5 Safe Harbor Term Let’s start by understanding what Living Benefits are, and why they are so important... In the past 5 years, can you think of anyone - family members, friends, neighbors, work associates - who: ⇒Suffered a heart attack? ⇒Suffered a stroke? ⇒Was diagnosed with cancer?

6 OR DID THEY LIVE? Let’s check the statistics! Safe Harbor Term
Did your loved one or acquaintance die immediately? Safe Harbor Term OR DID THEY LIVE? Heart attack, stroke, cancer, confined to a nursing home, home health care… It happens every day. Let’s check the statistics!

7 Did you know: Safe Harbor Term Stroke Cancer Heart Attack
Every 40 seconds someone in the US has a stroke. It is a leading cause of serious, long-term adult disability. Cancer Every 30 seconds a new cancer is diagnosed in the US. More than half of Americans diagnosed with cancer will survive for at least five years. Heart Attack Every 26 seconds someone suffers a heart attack. Every year in the US more than 1 million people who suffer a heart attack survive for at least 12 months.

8 Nursing Home & Home Health Care
Safe Harbor Term Nursing Home & Home Health Care (Long Term Care) Did you know? For every couple turning 65 there is a 70% chance that one of them will need long-term care. Wall Street Journal It is said that you will not need it if you die too young, but the longer you live, the higher your chances become for needing care.

9 Nursing Home & Home Health Care (Long Term Care) Did you know?
Safe Harbor Term Nursing Home & Home Health Care (Long Term Care) Did you know? Singles are especially at risk! They are not usually with someone who can properly care for them. The same is true for wives, who tend to outlast their husbands by an average of seven years. Jane Bryant Quinn Remember… accidents and disease do not discriminate against age.

10 Nursing Home & Home Health Care
Safe Harbor Term Nursing Home & Home Health Care (Long Term Care) It doesn’t stop there… Over 50% of all people entering a care situation are penniless within one year. Harvard University By 2018 a private room will cost over $500 per day or $188,000 per year. LTCI P Acadamy

11 When someone experiences a devastating
Safe Harbor Term When someone experiences a devastating critical or chronic illness and survives… Besides a physical setback, do you think there might be an emotional situation involving the family? How about financial hardship?

12 Safe Harbor Term What Happens? Expenses Go Up in most cases, Debt is
Incurred! What Happens? Income Goes Down

13 Now, imagine... Safe Harbor Term I know what you can do!
Where could you get a bucket of money that can be used for medical expenses, mortgage payments, car payments, etc. In other words, replacement income? - From retirement accounts? - Personal saving accounts? - Borrow from relatives? I know what you can do!

14 Safe Harbor Term Tell your local banker or friendly stock broker that you need a bucket of money available to you just in case you need it due to one of the conditions we have just described. You’re Crazy!

15 Two ways to create this bucket of money...
Safe Harbor Term Two ways to create this bucket of money... 1. The Expensive way or 2. The SAFE HARBOR way

16 The Expensive Unbundled Way
Safe Harbor Term The Expensive Unbundled Way Male, age 50 Preferred non-tobacco Term Length $500,000 death benefit $10,000 LTC (4 Years) $475,000 cancer, heart attack, stroke coverage 20 YR $95.39 $205.81 $587.09 Grand Total: $ per MONTH If you can afford this STOP HERE. If NOT please continue...

17 The Safe Harbor All-Inclusive Way
Safe Harbor Term The Safe Harbor All-Inclusive Way Male, age 50 Standard non-tobacco Term Length $500,000 Death Benefit $475,000 Heart Attack Coverage $475,000 Cancer Coverage $475,000 Stroke Coverage $475,000 Long Term Care Coverage 20 YR $210.74 INCLUDED Grand Total: $ per MONTH

18 Will your term life policy do this?
Safe Harbor Term Will your term life policy do this? Traditional (Old) Safe Harbor (NEW) Provide a benefit to your family in the event of an untimely death Provide you CASH in the event your suffer and live through a: Heart Attack Cancer Stroke Kidney Failure Organ Transplant Need Home Health Care Need Nursing Home Care Provide much needed CASH if diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Pay the cost of your insurance policy if unemployed YES NO YES

19 Let’s find out if you qualify!
Safe Harbor Term Let’s find out if you qualify! 1. American Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2008 National Stroke Association 3. ”Cancer Facts & the War on Cancer” LIMRA, 2007 4. Health Insurance “Critical Illness Insurance is Critical to a Client’s Financial Survival,” May 2008 5. American Heart Association “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics,” LIMRA 2007

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