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2 Viruses Are Not Cells! There are several structural and functional differences between cells and viruses The structural differences include: No nucleus No cell membrane No organelles The functional differences include: Do not grow Do not respire Do not develop Do not reproduce

3 Viral Structure Viruses are made up of 2 parts:
Capsid—a protein coat which enables the virus to bind to a cell Nucleic acid—either DNA or RNA Some viruses have an additional protective coating called an envelope

4 Replication vs. Reproduction
Viruses do not reproduce Viruses replicate Reproduction requires cell division and replication does not A virus requires a host for it to replicate A host is a living cell that provides all the materials a virus needs to replicate

5 Classification of Viruses
Shape: allows viruses to attach to only a few kinds of cells; like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle Filovirus—has no distinct shape Ebola- Zaire Ebola Virus, has the highest case-fatality rate, up to 90%. Massive blood loss leads to death. Polyhedral virus—multifaceted geometric shape Herpesvirus- Cold sores, shingles, virus lays dormant along nerve fibers

6 Binal virus—has a polyhedral capsid and a helical tail
Bacteriophage T4- virus which infects E.Coli. for molecular biology research Helical virus—tightly coiled DNA or RNA inside a long, narrow capsid Tobacco Mosaic Virus-infect members of nine plant families, 125 individual species

7 Classification of Viruses (cont.)
Host: Plant virus Animal virus Bacterial virus—these are also called bacteriophages

8 Lytic Cycle Bacteriophage Bacterial chromosome DNA or RNA Entry
Bacterial host cell Attachment Lysis and Release Replication Assembly

9 Lysogenic Cycle Prophage Entry: Lysis & Release: Assembly:
Not pictured Prophage Replication:

10 1. RNA & reverse transcriptase enter the host cell
Retrovirus Contains an RNA core that is replicated by 1st transcribing its RNA into DNA Ex: HIV—the virus that infects white blood cells and causes AIDS 1. RNA & reverse transcriptase enter the host cell 2. Enzymes copy the viral RNA into DNA 4.Viral DNA produces new viruses 3. Viral DNA attaches to cell DNA

11 Nonviral Particles Viroid: Prion: No capsid Contains RNA
Cause plant diseases Prion: Protein molecule with no RNA or DNA Cause animal diseases (i.e. mad cow disease)

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