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XANES/NEXAFS with ADF Expert: Mauro Stener - webinar, original slides

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1 XANES/NEXAFS with ADF Expert: Mauro Stener - webinar, original slides
ADF: Erik van Lenthe See also XPS exercise

2 XANES/NEXAFS tips: K-edge
Slater’s Transition State (TS): move half electron from occupied orbital i to virtual a. converge SCF (i)-½(a)+½ and calculate energy differences: Pragmatic approach: Transition Potential just remove half electron (i)-½(a)0 Includes core relaxation Widely used for (metal) K-edges Basis set: e.g. TZ2P, QZ3P-3DIF Functional: GGA (e.g. PW91) Modify / select excitations Can resolve angularly: Orientation molecules adsorbed on surface G. Fronzoni, G. Balducci, R. de Francesco, M. Romeo, M. Stener, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, (2012)

3 Workflow XANES/NEXAFS K-edge (GUI)
Optimize your molecule (e.g. BP-D3(BJ)/DZP) Change basis set if necessary, (AE for the core electron!) Model => Spin & Occupations Remove half an electron from the core of interest (2.0=>1.5) Check ADFlevels / output to see which orbital You can also just use AE on the atom of interest, frozen core elsewhere! Properties: Excitation:AllowedOnly & Delta eps Set number of excitations (e.g. 100) Click on the … next to Select Excitations Select Modify Excitation and set the occupied orbitals Or the occupied orbital range, but: core relaxation will change energies! Run Command-line: Skip 2.-8. Just set Occupations & Modify Excitations Example: H2CO O(1s) .adf, .run, (compare with exp) 4. 5.1 . 5.2 . 6. 7. 8.

4 XANES/NEXAFS for L edges
TDDFT necessary for L-edges to include some CI SOC necessary for L2,3 SOC splits p-levels Selected (core) excitations FDMNES, FEFF fails Functional: LB94 Correct asymptotic behavior Try hybrids for covalent I. Alperovich, G. Smolentsev, D. Moonshiram, J.W. Jurss, J.J. Concepcion, T.J. Meyer, A. Soldatov, Y. Pushkar Understanding the Electronic Structure of 4d Metal Complexes: From Molecular Spinors to L-Edge Spectra of a di-Ru Catalyst J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2011).

5 Workflow SOC-TDDFT XANES L2,3-edge
4. Optimize (e.g. SR-BP-D3(BJ)/DZP) Change basis set & xc (LB94, AE for core e) Run single point ADFlevels: Scroll down to find core orbital of interest Set Properties: Excitation: Spin-Orbit (Perturbative) Set number of excitations (e.g. 30) Click on the … next to Select Excitations Select Modify Excitation and set occupied orbitals Change functional and basis set? (Hybrid? Model?) Run Command-line: Skip 4.-8. Just Modify Excitations and set Excitations block Example: TiCl4 2p .adf, .run, (compare with exp) 5. 6. 7. 8.

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