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Service Learning Project Sample Project

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1 Service Learning Project Sample Project
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mohandes Gandhi “Good works are links that form a chain of love.”-Mother Teresa

2 Choose an issue you are passionate about! 
What tugs at your heart-strings? What fires you up? What is practical? Think outside the box!

3 Research Your Issue/Area of Need
What is the problem/area of need? Why do they need help? In which ways do they need help? How can you help?

4 Promote Animal Welfare
Volunteer with Escondido Humane Society, PAWS, etc. in various capacities. Play with dogs and cats, help feed animals, help with adoptions, etc.

5 Citizenship Component
Write letters to your local, state, and federal representatives advocating humane laws that promote animal welfare.

6 Educate Others About Your Issue
Make presentations to school, youth, religious, scouting, and community groups Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper (NC Times) Create a MySpace page, post to FB, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

7 Make Personal Connections
Positive change is created one person, animal, act of service at a time. “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” Mother Teresa

8 Raise Funds For Your Cause
Participate in an established run/walk for your cause and collect sponsors Hold a garage sale and donate the profits Bake sale one penny per search for your cause!  Save coins Recycle

9 Easy and GREEN fund-raising!!! 
Collect bottles and cans to recycle (your home, neighbors, etc.) and donate your proceeds to PAWS or the Humane Society

10 Self-Reflection/Presentation
Written and oral self-reflection: How did you grow? How did you experience the Six Pillars of Character in your project? (See project guidelines) What was your result/impact? Visual presentation (poster with photos of your issue/project in action, positive impact you created, video, Power Point, etc.) Service Learning Faire in the gym

11 Inspiration….why we do what we do! 
“Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind.” Albert Schweitzer “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King


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