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Report Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Report Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Writing

2 Report Writing Written to investigate problems and possibly solve them. Can be internal and/or external. Written for multiple audiences. Can be triggered at a number of levels.

3 Process of Writing

4 Report Writing is Structure
Overview comes first, then details and support Organizational problem and the report's purpose drive its structure Data is presented in tables and other visuals Labeling devices help readers navigate the report

5 Keep the Audience in Mind
the level of formality (in structure and tone) of your report the length of the report what kinds of data to include (tables, figures, general graphs, or pictures) how much to explain what positions to defend the visual sophistication required

6 Recommendation Report
A recommendation report is written when several courses of action seem possible, while a feasibility report is done after a tentative decision has been reached.

7 Recommendation Report
Executive Summary – Problem + Highlights + Recommendation Introduction Organization problem This report’s scope and approach Recommendations Discussion of Alternatives Background Criteria used for evaluation Application of criteria to each of the alternatives Rationale for recommendations forwarded Conclusion and Recommendations [Reference and supporting documents]

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