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OCTOBER 17, 2017 Get out video questions, notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil Finish Hinduism video Buddhism Notes Test Corrections available until Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 17, 2017 Get out video questions, notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil Finish Hinduism video Buddhism Notes Test Corrections available until Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCTOBER 17, 2017 Get out video questions, notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil Finish Hinduism video Buddhism Notes Test Corrections available until Friday

2 Foundations of Buddhism
Siddhartha Guatama (560 b.c. – 480 b.c.) Sheltered prince Left palace and witnessed suffering of world Rejected royal life to discover root of human suffering While meditating under a tree, the answer came to him Buddha (The Enlightened One)

3 Teachings of Buddhism Four Noble Truths
Suffering is part of existence. The origin of suffering is desire To end suffering you must end desire You end desire by following the Eightfold Path. This will lead you to Nirvana

4 Eightfold Path




8 Hinduism and Buddhism Crash Course

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