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PERSUASION English Quarter 3.

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1 PERSUASION English Quarter 3

2 PERSUASION The art of changing people’s feelings, opinions, or actions
Whether you know it or not, you are constantly being persuaded To do this effectively, writers/speakers… * Use compelling language * Enhance strong arguments * Mask weak arguments * Use persuasive techniques

Appeals to Association Appeals to Emotion Appeals to Values

4 Appeals to Association
Bandwagon Appeal Bandwagon taps into people’s desire to belong. Try the newest style that everyone is wearing!. “Plain Folks” Appeal Speaker presents himself as a common person who understands your concerns Born and raised in Sioux City, Senator Jacobs knows what it means to work hard for a living Testimonial Endorsements from well-known people or satisfied customers. As an Olympic Athlete, I need to be at my best. That’s why I eat Wheaties! Transfer Connects a product, candidate, or cause with a positive image or idea Freedom, comfort , and peace of mind are just a drive away in a Jeep!

5 Appeals to EMOTION Appeal to Fear Appeal to Vanity Appeal to Pity
Use of words and images that evoke strong feelings of pity. For just a dollar a day, you can save a dying child’s life. Appeal to Fear Use of words and images that evoke strong feelings of fear. Who will care for your kids when you die? Take out a life insurance policy today. Appeal to Vanity Appeals to a person’s desire to have the best/ be the best. Sony’s exclusive infinite picture technology is like nothing you’ve experienced before in a 3D television. Shop Best Buy today, and be the first own one. Appeal to Humor Humor puts the audience in a good mood and makes them more open to the speaker’s message. The audience then associates the product with the good feeling.

6 Appeal to Values Taps into a person’s values or moral standards.
Ethical Appeal Taps into a person’s values or moral standards. Volunteer today…it’s the right thing to do.

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