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Imprecise Computation September 7, 2006

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1 Imprecise Computation September 7, 2006
JWS Liu, KJ Lin, WK Shih, AC. S. Yu, JY Chung, and W. Zhao, Algorithms for scheduling imprecise computations, IEEE Copmuter, pages 58-68, 1991.

2 Problem: Possibility of Timing Failure
Use WCET for hard real-time tasks Meet all deadlines Hard RT systems can be overloaded or disrupted by the environment Too many targets too track at the same time Faulty sensors in a cruise control system Deriving WCET is not trivial What about context switch time ignored in schedulability analysis? Leave some margin in your schedule Take an iterative approach Measurement: No guarantee on accuracy Analysis: Need to consider architectural details, clock spped, cache, instruction pipelining, multithreading, etc.

3 Problem: Possibility of Timing Failure
Use average case execution time for soft real-time tasks Usually, i.e., in normal cases, meet deadlines Under transient overload, e.g., due to abnormal sensor values that take more time for processing, deadlines can be missed

4 Imprecise Computation Model
Avoid timing faults during transient overloads Prefer timely, imprecise results to late, precise results A task consists of a mandatory and an optional part The mandatory part must complete before the task deadline The optional part improves the quality Can be skipped under overload Tradeoff between quality and timeliness

5 Examples Radar tracking: Get estimated target locations in a timely fashion than accurate location info too late Video streaming: Transmit a low quality image in time rather than missing the deadline, e.g., to meet the 30 frames/s requirement Control loop: Produce an approximate result by a control law as long as the controlled system, e.g., cruise control system, remain stable

6 Imprecise Computation Model
A task produces a precise result if both the mandatory and optional parts are executed A task produces an imprecise, i.e., approximate, result if only the mandatory part is executed Monotone: Quality monotonically increases as a task executes longer 0/1: Either fully execute the optional part or not at all

7 Imprecise Task Model Task Ti(mi, oi, di)
mi: exec time of mandatory part oi: exec time of optional part di: deadline of Ti mi = 0 for all task Ti in traditional soft real-time systems oi = 0 for all task Ti in traditional hard real-time systems

8 Error Function Monotone task model 0/1 task model
Error ei = fi(oi – ci) where ci is the completed optional part of Ti 0/1 task model ci = oi or ci = 0 for task Ti

9 Imprecise Scheduling Problems
Minimize total error Total error E = ∑i=1, N wiei where wi > 0 is the weight Find a schedule that is optimal in that it is feasible and minimizes the total error Refer to F algorithm in the paper Minimize max error Find a feasible schedule minimizing the max error rather total error Minimize #discarded optional tasks Minimize #tardy tasks

10 Error Charasteristics of Periodic Tasks
Cumulative Error Tracking & control applications Total error can be infinite Take average over π, i.e., multiple of all the periods Non-cumulative Error Audio & video Efficient huerisitic: Execute optional parts only after executing all ready mandatory tasks Assign high priority to mandatory tasks Apply RMS to find a feasible schedule for mandatory tasks

11 (m, k) Firm Deadline Model
[1] Moncef Hamdaoui, Parameswaran Ramanathan, “A Dynamic Priority Assignment Technique for Streams with (m,k)-Firm Deadlines,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 44, Issue 12, Dec [2] P. Ramanathan, “Overload Management in real-time control applications using (m,k)-firm guarantee”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System, Vol. 10, Issue 6, June 1999.

12 (m, k) Firm Deadlines For a task Ti, meet at least mi deadlines out of ki consecutive jobs, i.e., task (Ti) instances Example Associate a video stream with (2,3) firm deadlines Transmit at least 2 out of 3 consecutive video frames within the deadline The other two frames can be dropped under overload → Different from imprecise computation

13 (m, k) Firm Real-Time Task Model
Ti = (Ci, Pi, mi, ki) Ci: Computation time Pi: Period Maximum allowable loss rate = (ki-mi)/ki Dynamic Failure Fewer than mi jobs in the window of ki consecutive jobs of Ti meet the deadline

14 Task Ti’s instance Ti,a released at aPi cannot be dropped if:
a = ami/ki ki/mi where a = 0, 1, 2, ... Example: (mi, ki) = (2, 3) Instances 0 and 1 of Ti cannot be dropped according to the equation above

15 Distance Based Priority (DBP) Scheme [1]
Assign the highest priority to the task that is closest to a dynamic failure System Model

16 MK-RMS Utilization Bound [2]
Sufficient (but not necessary) A task set consisted of N periodic (m,k) tasks is schedulable if: Ut = ∑i=1, N (Ci/Pi)(mi/ki) ≤ n(21/n – 1) Algorithm: Follow RMS Under overload, skip task instances if no dynamic failure will occur

17 Any Question? We will cover “Elastic Task Model” next time (and some power-aware RT scheduling if time permits)

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