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Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Mr. Shields’s 4th Grade Language Arts/Math Class
A little about your child’s teacher…
Grades taught: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (15 years in all) Degrees/Certifications: MAT in Elem. Ed., National Board Certification Wife: Mary Virginia Stuart Children: Lucas (10 yrs. old), Cecilia (7 yrs. old) Hobbies: golfing, fishing, hiking, and reading
A little about 4th grade…
This is a maturing year. Students are expected to become very independent. Personal responsibility is very important in the learning/growing process. Good habits are hard to break too. Consistent discipline works best. Praiseworthy: Praise when it’s worthy. High, but not unrealistic expectations.
Class Rules 1. Talk at appropriate times.
2. Be prepared with your supplies and homework each day. 3. Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself at all times. 4. Raise your hand to speak, unless directed otherwise. 5. Be respectful to everyone at all times. This refers to your teachers and your friends. 6. Follow directions in specials and outside play. 7. Use good manners at lunch and in the restroom.
1st Quarter Math Objectives
Place value to ten thousands Compare/order whole numbers Estimation of whole numbers Coordinate grids Graphs: line, circle, bar, pictograph Median, range and mode Multiplication (review facts and 2-digit by 2-digit) Problem solving *Memorization of facts is imperative!
Language Arts Reading- basal, leveled readers, nonfiction materials such as Weekly Reader and NC Studies Weekly– 1st Quarter emphasis is on word and genre identification; comprehension skills; examining and analyzing characters, events and text features; cause/effect; compare/contrast Writing- Focus on writing narratives through the writing process; - 1st Quarter emphasis is planning, drafting, revising and proofreading (spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation),
Social Studies All about North Carolina with 1st
quarter emphasis on geography and government NC Social Studies Newspaper Social Studies Workbook Field trip to Bethabara Park- TBD Field Trip to see Freedom Train
Science Earth and Moon Animals and Nutrition
Electricity/Magnetism/Energy Rocks and Minerals *Hiddenite?- TBD *Natural Science Center - TBD
Absences Please don’t send your child sick.
On the other hand, please encourage your child to develop good attendance habits. The office won’t send a child home unless they have a fever/ upset stomach. DON’T FORGET AN ABSENTEE NOTE when you return. Please try to make all doctor appointments after school or during specials.
Homework Homework will be assigned most school nights (Mon.-Thurs.). It will usually consist of math, reading, and spelling. Your child will be given the responsibility of recording homework assignments in his/her planner each day. Unless returning homework becomes a problem, you do not have to sign the planner.
Tuesday Packets Most Tuesdays, I will send home graded papers. Every paper that your child does in class will not be in the folder. The folder is mainly for test papers. Please look over the papers, discuss with your child, and keep for your records. If it has been noted that the paper is to be redone, the child should do so and return the next day. This could improve a grade and reinforce a particular skill. Papers from PTA, parents and the office will also be in the Tuesday packets. Please sign and have your child return the next day.
Parent Communication I prefer to communicate through . It is quick, efficient, convenient, and allows for us to keep a record of our communication. I try to check my 2 or 3 times a day. But, understand that the school server can be down and I won’t be able to access my Webpage: Go to wsfcs website. Click on schools, Sherwood then websites.
Website Newsletters sent home will be downloaded onto the website.
Field trip information will also be there for easy access. Links to good websites Various activities/ pictures/ upcoming events/ important reminders
Teaching Practices *Coach, Model, Facilitator, Guide *I will try to handle most situations in the classroom. *I like to provide choices. *I am not robotic. I try to be passionate.
Thank you for attending 4th Grade Curriculum Night.
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