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More specifically: Kingdom Hearts, and their links to Disney

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Presentation on theme: "More specifically: Kingdom Hearts, and their links to Disney"— Presentation transcript:

1 More specifically: Kingdom Hearts, and their links to Disney
*Disclaimer: I am a new Square Enix fan

2 Merging with Disney Needed a game to compete with
Super Mario 64’s 3D capabilities Figured only characters as popular as Disney’s had any chance of competition against Mario A chance meeting between a Disney executive and Hashimoto Kingdom Hearts happened due to a series of chance events, the first being Disney wanted Donald Duck to be the lead protagonist, however Square favoured Mickey Mouse. They came to a compromise and made an all new title character, Sora

3 Character design Clever character design to link the main
franchises of each company Stereotypical Final Fantasy assets e.g. hair, belts and chains Still maintains a cartoon-like appearance Sora’s character design

4 Fighting animations are cartoonified, with Sora’s overhead swing attack being reminiscent of classic cartoons. When cartoon characters are about to bop another character over the head with a frying pan, they jump, hit downwards and their legs kind of splay open, and Sora does this in this attack Images: Sora swing frames 1, 2, 3, and 4

5 World design: Traverse Town
Image: Traverse Town 2

6 How does Square Enix inspire me?
Sora’s character design

7 All our can come true if we
have the courage to pursue them

8 References
Extra Play: The Animation of Kingdom Hearts series (Kingdom Hearts gameplay images)

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