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Presentation on theme: "Week 2 FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH Naomi Goodhew"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2 FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH 2017-18 Naomi Goodhew
10 mins - Introduce myself and guide seating plan for today Naomi Goodhew

2 Housekeeping Fire Toilets Canteen Sickness and absence

3 Coffee break! We will have a coffee break half way through the session or when needed!

4 Aims: Reading practice paper Widening your vocabulary
Follow seating plan as students’ enter, play music, allow 2 mins to check phones and then turn off/ put away, store bags - register

5 Practice papers I need to see what you know and what you don’t know!
Don’t panic if you do not know the answer!

6 Practice paper Please write the answers in your books
It will enable me to see what areas you will need to be working on in the next few weeks. Take as long as you need. This should take you around 1 ½ hours

7 Think of as many texts as you can…
Inform Instruct Persuade Describe

8 The power of the English language
English is very powerful There are many words in English which have the same or similar meanings. These are called SYNONYMS What type of book would you find a list of these words in?

9 Divide your page into four columns
Big (huge, enormous…) Small (tiny…) Good (amazing…) Bad (horrible…) Think of as many synonyms as you can! These are all adjectives (describing words)

10 With these words… Describe a place using some of these words. Eg:
A town A room A country An object The choice is yours! Try to use complete sentences and joining words where you can.

11 Now we are going to use opposite words to describe something
Think of 10 descriptive words to describe a busy city centre

12 Eg: noisy – quiet Lively- dead Rich- poor
Now think of the opposite of these words to describe a different part of town… Eg: noisy – quiet Lively- dead Rich- poor

13 Now write a comparison of the two parts of town
Try to write a paragraph (or more if you can!) for each

14 Please reflect Are you clear which level you are enrolled on?
What do you think you need to work on? What did you find easy this session? What did you find more difficult?

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