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Lesson 3 – Introduction to Psychology

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1 Lesson 3 – Introduction to Psychology
DATE: xx September 2017 HEADING: Debates Within Psychology: Freewill and Determinism 2 Lesson 3 – Introduction to Psychology Learning Challenge: You will be able to: Define Freewill Define the word Determinism Explain and evaluate Darrow’s argument for Determinism and the case of Jamie Bulger

2 Let’s discuss Quickly write down why we (as psychology learners), specifically regarding the sensitive nature of our subject, should think twice before we judge people who are different? Consider that we will be talking about a few cases. Should we be sensitive about the way we speak about people with different needs and mental health statuses?

3 Starter Write a paragraph (at least 3 sentences) explaining how this picture might relate to what we have learnt last lesson. Be ready to discuss

4 Let’s talk about your previous “your turn” activity:
How do you feel about Darrow’s argument for determinism? Could you compare this argument with the case of Jamie Bulger?

5 Home Learning Feedback
Take turns to describe the article you have found (in pairs). Your teacher will call on a few of you to give whole class feedback. Make sure you glue your article into your book.

6 Let’s Read: So, What is determinism? Page 8 and 9 Whole Class

7 Make a mind map or diagram outlining the factors that influence our behaviour. (Silent independent work) Make sure your work is neat and presentable

8 Let’s watch a video

9 What you had for breakfast The people you live with What you wear
How much free will did you exercise in the following activities? Mark 1-5. (1= not your decision, 5= your completely free choice). How well you slept What you had for breakfast The people you live with What you wear How you speak to people How well you worked in the last lesson **What might have influenced your free choice in these situations?

10 fashion Random chance Peer pressure habits upbringing
Explain how freely you did 2 of the things below **What might have influenced your free choice in these situations? How well you slept What you had for breakfast The people you live with What you wear How you speak to people How well you worked in the last lesson Use the labels to help you answer. Culture (The way we do things in the UK) Random chance Peer pressure habits fashion Your biology/ psychology upbringing

11 Biology/ psychology fashion/ peer pressure Upbringing (parents) Habits culture Religious beliefs laws of the UK education random chance Which of these have the biggest influence on who you might turn out to be? Explain how 2 facts determine what you do and what you are like. My upbringing determines what I am like because…. **How much can someone be held responsible for what they have done? Are there any influences that would reduce their guilt?

12 Determinism If you calculated the forces, the angles on the red billiard ball, you could tell exactly where it would go. Determinism says that in our life, if you calculated the effect of your upbringing, culture, genes, education etc, someone could also predict what you would do. Eg you will eat chicken curry this evening because English culture has curry, your parents love it, your taste buds react positively to it, your education tells you it’s healthy, it’s your habit to eat it etc – so it’s determined that you will eat chicken curry tonight.

13 1. Write down the two definitions. 2. Which one you believe in
1. Write down the two definitions. 2. Which one you believe in? Explain why. 3. To think about: What do you think the poster below is saying? *Draw a picture for both Free Will = the belief that we are essentially free and independent of “influencing” factors Determinism = the belief that our choices have been decided by “influencing factors” eg genes, culture

14 Let’s Read: So, Do all psychologists believe in determinism
Let’s Read: So, Do all psychologists believe in determinism? Page 9 Whole Class

15 Do the “Your Turn” activity on Page 10. (Silent independent work)
Make sure you are ready to discuss your answer afterwards.

16 Let’s watch a video

17 Plenary If you were a psychologist, which of the determinism schools of thought would you agree most with? Explain why. Biological (Example Eysenck’s theory) Social and Cognitive (Example Skinner) Developmental (Example Bandura)

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