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Healthy Campus Initiative Evaluation Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Campus Initiative Evaluation Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Campus Initiative Evaluation Workshop

2 HCI Goal To make UCLA the healthiest campus in America
By making the healthy choice the easy choice

3 HCI Focus Nutrition & Food Exercise & Fitness Mental & health Stress
emotional health Stress Built environ-ment of the campus Tobacco free campus

4 Research Well Add research/evaluation component to HCI
Provide technical support to students, faculty, and staff for evaluation and research Identify opportunities for larger scale research projects related to HCI

5 Outline Library resources for project/program planning and evaluation
Thinking about your HCI posters now Introduction to evaluation Developing an evaluation plan for student HCI projects Questions

6 Library resources here
Biomedical Library website Find links to library hours, service information, the catalog, ebooks, journals, and databases Healthy Campus Initiative Resources Guide Links to get you started with research and evaluation

7 Sample HCI student poster

8 Introduction to Evaluation
When do you plan for evaluation? What can you evaluate? Structure, process, outcomes How can you collect data? Quantitative data Qualitative data

9 Introduction to Evaluation
Process Measures Participants Who was the target audience, how many attended, who are they? Who/what organizations did you collaborate with? Outreach efforts How did you market your event/program? What were the goals of the project/program/event?

10 Introduction to Evaluation
Outcomes Short-term vs. long-term outcomes Challenges Assess Participant satisfaction Intention to change/modify behavior

11 Introduction to Evaluation
Data collection methods Individual level Face-to-face, paper, electronic Group level Observation, overall impressions

12 Developing an Evaluation Plan
How can you build an evaluation plan into your project? Resources People, technology, time, skills Location/format/frequency of your project Planning Include discussion of evaluation along with project planning from the start

13 Developing an Evaluation Plan
HCI evaluation templates Process data collection Intercept survey/participant satisfaction These tools can be adapted for your project/program/event Adapt items Consider format (paper, face-to-face, electronic) You will have access to electronic versions of these documents to use for your projects

14 UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI) Process Evaluation Survey
1. Name of HCI Pod/Affiliation: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name and of GSR or staff member completing form: ____________________________________________ 3. Title of event: ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Date and time of event: ____________________ 5. Location of event: _________________ 6. Frequency of event: □ One-time event □ Recurring event: daily, weekly, monthly, or other: ____________ (circle one) 7. Describe the goals/objectives for this event ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Who was the target population for your event (check all that apply)? □ Students □ Staff □ Faculty □ The public □ Other: ___________________ 9. Was the event subject to an open or closed invitation (e.g. limited to certain individuals/to a specific # of people or open to all)? ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Did you use an RSVP mechanism for this event (e.g. Eventbrite)? □ Yes □ No 10a. If so, how many people did you anticipate would attend based on the RSVPs? __________ 11. How many people actually attended the event? ____________________________________________________________________________ 11a. Is that number based on an estimate or a headcount? ________________________________________________________

15 12. Which marketing avenues did you use to promote the event (check all that apply)? □ Facebook □ Instagram □ Twitter □ listserv □ Website □ Daily Bruin □ HCI website calendar □ Flyers □ Posters □ Classes □ Other:__________ 13. Name any individuals, groups, or institutions that you collaborated with to organize and promote this event. ____________________________________________________________________________ 14. Please assess participants’ satisfaction with the event in one of the following ways: 1. Develop a brief intercept survey- you may create your own or use the attached template To what extent to do you agree with the following statement? This event effectively achieved its goals and objectives. □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither agree nor disagree □ Agree □ Strongly agree 2a. Describe your perception of participants’ overall experience with this event. ______________________________________________________________________ 15. If this event were to be repeated, what would you change or do differently? What worked well in your opinion? What didn’t work?

16 UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI) Intercept Survey
Instructions: Please select at least 1 GSR and/or staff members to ask participants for their feedback during the event/program. The GSRs and staff members should randomly ask attendees (e.g. every 10th person) if they are willing to respond to a brief survey about their experience at the event/program. Participants should be informed that the survey is entirely voluntary and that they can decide to skip questions or withdraw from the survey at any time. They should also be told that the survey will not involve the collection of any personal identifiers and that their responses will be used to evaluate the effects of the Healthy Campus Initiative. The GSRs and staff members will ask willing participants the survey questions and write down their responses using clipboards and pens. Note: You are not required to use the survey template below and are welcome to develop your own intercept survey if you prefer. 1. Please indicate which gender you identify with the most. □ Male □ Female □ Other: ___________________ □ Prefer not to state 2. What is your campus affiliation? □ Undergraduate student □ Graduate student □ Professional student □ Faculty □ Staff □ Other: __________________ □ Prefer not to state 3. Please indicate your year in school. □ 1st □ 2nd □ 3rd □ 4th □ 5th □ Other:__________________ □ Prefer not to state 4. What is your race/ethnicity? □ White □ African American □ Latino □ Asian □ Pacific Islander □ Native American □ Mixed race □ Other:_____________ □ Prefer not to state 5. How did you hear about this event? ____________________________________________________________________________

17 To what extent to do you agree with the following statements?
6. By attending this event, I gained knowledge, information, and/or skills that will benefit my overall health and well-being. □ Strongly disagree □ Disagree □ Neither agree nor disagree □ Agree □ Strongly agree □ Prefer not to state 7. I would attend a similar event/program in the future. 8. How likely are you to apply the knowledge, information, and/or skills you gained from attending this event/program in your life? □ Extremely unlikely □ Unlikely □ Neutral □ Likely □ Extremely likely □ Prefer not to state 8a. If you are at all likely to apply the knowledge, information, and/or skills you gained from attending this event/program in your life, briefly describe how you intend to do so. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Briefly describe what you liked and/or disliked about this event/program. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

18 Developing an Evaluation Plan
Existing data collection tools (scales, surveys/survey items) SAIRO website UCUES (undergraduate survey) GPSS (graduate and professional student survey) NCHA (National College Health Assessment) California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) onnairesEnglish.aspx

19 Other Considerations Human subjects protections for research purposes vs. evaluation purposes Photograph release forms

20 Questions?

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