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Collected, counted and identified Labelled, stored in plastic bottle

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1 Collected, counted and identified Labelled, stored in plastic bottle
THE DISTRIBUTION OF BENTHIC FORAMINIFERA ON SELECTED MARINE SEDIMENTS IN PAHANG RIVER ESTUARY, PAHANG, MALAYSIA: IDENTIFICATION USING S.E.M. IMAGES. Muhamad Naim, A. M.*, Ramlan, O., Noraswana, N. F. School of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia INTRODUCTION Foraminifera are known to be one of the most important unicellular microorganisms in ecological studies and geological research due to the high distribution in marine sediment. They constitute a large part of the total biomass in benthic communities, colonize a wide range of marine ecosystem from shallow brackish waters to the deepest ocean depths. Used as valuable tools in inspecting the environmental changes such as degradation, pollution and contamination of water or sediment. They shows further response to environmental alterations towards their test shape and composition of sediments. The objectives of this recent study are to identify the distribution of benthic foraminifera communities in Pahang River estuary and study their abundance in relation to the environmental conditions on the surface sediments. ABSTRACT Benthic foraminifera are one of the most highly distributed and abundance microorganism in the oceanic habitat, from the deep-sea to the shallow intertidal environments. This study investigates the distribution of benthic foraminifera on selected marine sediments taken from Pahang River estuary with the coordinate between latitude 03°42.575’ to 3° ’ N and longitude 103°25.670’ to 103°41.903’, respectively. 20 surface sediments samples were collected for grain-size analysis and foraminifera assemblages. The sediment samples collected were mostly sand with total of 13, 173 specimens of foraminifera were collected representing 63 species from 22 families. SEM images taken by Hitachi Tabletop Microscope (TM-1000), were used to assist the identification procedure. Amphisteginidae is the most dominant family, with percentage of 50.6% and the dominant species is Amphistegina lessonii, 35.4%. The highest abundance of foraminifera was recorded at station 7 (1,140 individuals) while the lowest was at station 1 (180 individuals). Key words: benthic, foraminifera, estuary, Pahang River SAMPLING LOCATION PARAMETERS The sampling stations are located at Pahang River estuary, which is extended to the west part of South China Sea. 20 surface sediment samples were collected with coordinate between latitude 03°42.575’ to 3° ’ N and longitude 103°25.670’ to 103°41.903’, respectively using Ponar grab. The in-situ parameters were measured using multiparameter probe whereas the depth was measured with depth sounder. Temperature Salinity Dissolve O2 Depth FORAMINIFERA IMAGES RESULTS METHODS Sieve through 500, 150, 63µm Oven dry (50-70°C) Collected, counted and identified Labelled, stored in plastic bottle SEM images of common species of foraminifera in Pahang River estuary (>100 individuals): 1. Amphistegina gibbosa (500 µm); 2. A. lessonii (500 µm); 3. Elphidium advenum (500 µm); 4. E. crispum (500 µm); 5. Miliammina fusca (200 µm); 6. Quinqueloculina agglutinans (300 µm); 7. Q. auberiana (500 µm); 8. Miliolinella australis (100 µm); 9. Q. bicarinata (300 µm); 10. Q. dunkerquiana (300 µm); 11. Q. parkeri (500 µm); 12. Triloculina tricarinata (300 µm); 13. Operculina ammonoides (300 µm); 14. Peneroplis pertusus (500 µm); 15. Ammonia beccarii (200 µm); 16. Asterorotalia pulchella (500 µm); 17. Pseudorotalia schroeteriana (500 µm); 18. Textularia agglutinans (500 µm); 19. T. conica (500 µm); 20. T. pseudogramen (300 µm). Scale bar=100 µm 23rd SCIENTIFIC CONFERECE OF THE MICROSCOPY SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA 2014, UTP

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