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Bedale Church of England Primary School

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1 Bedale Church of England Primary School 2017-2018
Peer Mentors Bedale Church of England Primary School

2 Peer Mentors Peer Mentors are Year 6 children chosen to help make our school a happy place to be ,especially at lunchtimes.

3 Peer Mentor Training ..... The Peer Mentors come to The Ark for their training and meetings. The Ark is next to Mrs York's classroom.

4 Peer Mentor Training The Peer Mentors attend regular training sessions and meet to organise a timetable ,share ideas , learn new games and activities .

5 Games we are learning ...... Skipping Games.......
Duck Duck Goose Goose Farmers in his Den Ring a Ring of Roses What's the Time, Mr Wolf? Skipping Games Jelly on the Plate Teddy bear I like Coffee Birthday Song

6 After the first training session......
The Peer Mentors will receive their Peer Mentor Badges.

7 What do Peer Mentors do ?

8 They are kind if someone is feeling sad. ....

9 They help to organise and teach games.

10 They are good friends if someone is feeling lonely.

11 They are polite and have good manners

12 They set up games at The Ark lunchtime Club.

13 What other children said about our Peer Mentors........
“They help make lunchtimes happier” “They helped me learn a new game” “They helped me to find a friend when I was lonely” They cheered me up when I was sad” “They helped me find my coat ,when I lost it” “They are kind and helpful”

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