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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates

2 Which foods contain carbohydrates?

3 Carbohydrates Energy Source Why are carbohydrates important? CH2OH O

4 Carbohydrates include sugars and starches.

5 Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 C1 H2 O1 Glucose C6H12O6

6 Carbohydrates Function: Quick energy Energy storage
Structure and Support

7 are the primary source of chemical energy for cells.
Carbohydrates Function: Quick energy --- Simple carbohydrates (glucose) are the primary source of chemical energy for cells. glucose

8 Complex carbohydrates store energy
Function: energy storage --- Complex carbohydrates store energy starch & glycogen starch glycogen

9 Carbohydrates Function:
Complex carbohydrates provide structure and support --- cellulose & chitin

10 Carbohydrates can exist as: monosaccharides ---
Carbohydrates can exist as: monosaccharides composed of one monomer---one sugar disaccharides --- composed of two monomers (two monosaccharides)--- two sugars polysaccharides --- composed many monomers (many monosaccharides)---many sugars

11 SIMPLE SUGARS – name ends in ose Monosaccharides & Disaccharides

12 Monosaccharides …one sugar Many simple sugars: contain 5 or 6 carbon atoms arranged in a ring in a ratio of C1H2O1. Ribose C5H10O5 Glucose C6H12O6 Fructose C6H12O6 Galactose C6H12O6

13 The most common monosaccharides are: …..simple sugar… sugar
Glucose - main source of energy for cells. Fructose - the sugar in fruits Galactose – sugar found in milk Ribose- sugar in DNA and RNA    

14 Glucose - C6H12O6 Fructose - C6H12O6

15 Disaccharides: composed of two monosaccharides --- two sugars
Sucrose (table sugar) – composed of glucose and fructose. Lactose (sugar in milk) – composed of glucose and galactose.

16 Lactose (sugar in milk)
 Sucrose (table sugar) fructose Lactose (sugar in milk) glucose galactose glucose

17 Polysaccharides --- complex carbohydrate composed of many monosaccharides …many sugars

18 Polysaccharides --- Function: (1) Energy Reserves
sugar Function: (1) Energy Reserves (2) Structure and Support

19 Polysaccharides - Energy Reserves
(1) Starch --- energy storage in plant cells composed of long chains of glucose (2) Glycogen --- energy storage in the liver and muscles of animals composed of long chains of glucose

20 Polysaccharides --- Structure & Support
Cellulose --- the cell wall of plants straight long chains of glucose molecules. (2) Chitin ---- the cell wall of fungi; the exoskeleton of insects and crustaceans.

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