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VACS Polypharmacy Workgroup

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1 VACS Polypharmacy Workgroup
Amy Justice, MD, PhD Co-Director E. Jennifer Edelman, MD Co-Director Members: K Akgun, W Becker, D Fiellin, M Freiberg, CL Gibert, K Gordon, V Lo Re, J Naples, M Skanderson, M Sung, J Tate, S Viswanathan, D Weisberg, M Wolff, J Womack, C Wyatt, New Members: K Niehoff, A Tseng, and S Khoo

2 VACS Polypharmacy Workgroup
1: Althoff KN et al. HIV and ageing: improving quantity and quality of life. Curr Opin HIV AIDS Sep;11(5): 2: Weisberg DF et al. Long-term Prescription of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines and Mortality Among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Patients. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Jun1;69(2): 3. Justice AC et al. Should everyone ageing with HIV take a statin? Lancet HIV. 2(2)E36-37 Feb 2015 4: Edelman EJ et al. The next therapeutic challenge in HIV: polypharmacy. Drugs Aging Aug;30(8): Cited: 35 times 5: Greene M et al. Management of human immunodeficiency virus infection in advanced age. JAMA Apr 3;309(13): Cited: 45 times 6: High KP et al. HIV and aging: state of knowledge and areas of critical need for research. A report to the NIH Office of AIDS Research by the HIV and Aging Working Group. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Jul 1;60 Suppl 1:S1-18. Cited:129 times

3 Drug Safety Work in VACS
1: Edelman EJ et al.; VACS Project Team. Acetaminophen receipt among HIV- infected patients with advanced hepatic fibrosis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf Dec;22(12): : Edelman EJ et al.; Vacs Project Team. Patient-reported symptoms on the antiretroviral regimen efavirenz/emtricitabine/ tenofovir. AIDS Patient Care STDS Jun;26(6): : Tetrault JM et al.; Veterans Aging Cohort Study Team. Hepatic safety and antiretroviral effectiveness in HIV-infected patients receiving naltrexone. Alcohol Clin Exp Res Feb;36(2): : Justice AC et al; Veterans Aging Cohort Study Project Team. Drug toxicity, HIV progression, or comorbidity of aging: does tipranavir use increase the risk of intracranial hemorrhage? Clin Infect Dis Nov 1;47(9):

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