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Learning Styles Inventory & Career Interest Survey

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles Inventory & Career Interest Survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles Inventory & Career Interest Survey
Module 1 Learning Styles Inventory & Career Interest Survey

2 Day 1 Essential Question: What kind of learner am I? How do I learn best? Agenda: Learning Styles Video Learning Styles Inventory Reflection

3 Video

4 Learning Style Survey Complete the yes/no questions silently on your own! When you are done, follow the Tally Chart directions

5 More About Learning Styles…

6 Day 2 Essential Question: How can my interests lead me to my future career? Agenda: Think-Pair-Share Career Interest Survey Career Interest Lab Activity

7 Think – Pair – Share Find someone with the same learning style as you.
Discuss these two questions: Based on what you learned about your learning style, what surprised you? What do you think your greatest challenge will be to overcome as a learner?

8 Career Interest Survey
On your device… and click on Take the Assessment When you are done: Complete the Career Interest Lab Activity

9 Career Interest Lab Activity
Complete the following page after your survey. Keep this page in your Portfolio.

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