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Tuesday 25th April to Wednesday 26 April, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 25th April to Wednesday 26 April, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 25th April to Wednesday 26 April, 2017
Mount Cook Tuesday 25th April to Wednesday 26 April, 2017

2 The activities

3 Timetable

4 Accommodation Ensuite rooms
They have to make their own beds and keep their rooms tidy. Approximately 4 to a room

5 Meal time

6 Mount Cook Arrival for 9am on Tuesday Leave at 5pm on the Wednesday
1:12 ratio in a group 7 adults can be taken

7 Kit list An up to date list will be sent out in March
Old outdoor clothes and footwear Swimming costume Towel Drinks bottle Packed lunch and drink for the first day in a rucksack Toiletries Pyjamas Waterproof coat

8 cost Total= £117 for activities and accommodation
Coach cost is an extra- £14.50 Deposit of £25 by Friday 10th December Further deposit of £46 on Friday 27th January Final payment of £46 on Friday 3rd March

9 Questions?

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