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The Conservation and Captive Breeding

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Presentation on theme: "The Conservation and Captive Breeding"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Conservation and Captive Breeding
of Pygmy Rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) Bethany Kay

2 Hop at 15MPH

3 Why are they Endangered?
Thriving population Columbian Basin Pygmy Rabbit population Populations recorded

4 Why are they Endangered?
1993 data

5 Factors affecting their decline…
Habitat The sagebrush - Artemisia tridentata

6 Factors affecting their decline…

7 Captive breeding Initiated captive breeding program in 2001
Re-released 20 rabbits back into the Basin in 2009. none survived!

8 Captive breeding 2011 Oregon Zoo took over breeding program
Cross- bred with rabbits from Idaho Best artificial Basin possible Closed breeding program in Jan 2013

9 Conservation Oregon Zoo still closely monitoring the Rabbits to ensure they survive. Enclosed burrow areas – no predators can get in.

10 References Discovery Channel. (2012). Pygmy Rabbit. Available: Last accessed 8th Nov 2014. Oregon Zoo. (2012). Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits. Available: Last accessed 8th Nov 2014 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conservation . (2013).Pygmy Rabbits in Washington. Available: Last accessed 8th Nov 2014 Bolen, A. (2013). Return of the Mighty Pygmy Rabbit. Available: Last accessed 8th Nov 2014 Naturemapping Foundation. (2008). Pygmy Rabbit. Available: Last accessed 13th October 2014. Green, J.S and Flinders, J.T. (1980). The habitat and Dietary relationships of the Pygmy Rabbit. Journal of Range Management. 33 (2), p Baker, W.L. (2006). Fire and Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34 (1), p Fish and Wildlife Service. (2001). Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Emergency Rule To List the Columbia Basin Distinct Population Segment of the Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis.Available: Last accessed 8th Nov 2014.

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