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General Education Assessment Subcommittee Report

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1 General Education Assessment Subcommittee Report
Edits to Student Outcomes Add classes to general education assessment for a more comprehensive reporting Review process by content faculty Proposed uses of the visualization data by level of data reported Document on using visualization data reports for faculty Minimum sample size for reporting aggregate data in visualization


3 Physical and Biological Sciences
Subject Area Content Critical Thinking Communication Composition* Select and apply writing process strategies, including how to discover a topic, how to develop and organize a text, and how to adapt writing style and format to different audiences, purposes, and context. Compare various genres of writing; critique complex texts in writing using thesis statements, valid claims, and persuasive evidence; and analyze texts for rhetorical competency. Compose written texts for scholarly or professional purposes; communicate using accepted conventions of standard written English, and apply the techniques that produce effective texts. Physical and Biological Sciences Identify, describe, and explain the basic concepts, theories and terminology of natural science and the scientific method; the major scientific developments and the impacts on society and the environment; and the relevant processes that govern biological and physical systems. Formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of physical processes or living things; apply logical reasoning skills effectively through scientific criticism and argument; and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking effectively to solve experiments and to evaluate outcomes. Communicate scientific findings clearly and effectively using appropriate oral, written and/or graphic forms . Social and Behavioral Sciences Identify, describe, and explain key themes, principles, and terminology; the history, theory and/or appropriate methodologies used; and social institutions, structures and processes. Apply formal and informal qualitative and/or quantitative analysis effectively to examine the processes and means by which individuals make personal and group decisions and assess and analyze ethical perspectives in individual and societal decisions. Communicate knowledge, thoughts and reasoning clearly and effectively in appropriate forms, individually and in groups. Subject Area Content Critical Thinking Communication Composition* Understand and demonstrate writing process strategies, including how to discover a topic, how to develop and organize a text, and how to adapt writing style and format to different audiences, purposes, and context. Compare various genres of writing. Critique complex texts in writing using thesis statements, valid claims, and persuasive evidence.  Analyze texts for rhetorical competency. Compose written texts for scholarly or professional purposes. Communicate using accepted conventions of standard written English and applying the techniques that produce effective texts. Physical and Biological Sciences Identify, describe, and explain the basic concepts, theories and terminology of natural science and the scientific method within the  subject area. Identify, describe, and explain the major scientific developments within the subject area and the impacts on society and the environment. Identify, describe, and explain relevant processes that govern biological and physical systems within the subject area. Formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of physical processes or living things within the subject area. Apply logical reasoning skills effectively through scientific criticism and argument within the subject area. Apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking effectively to solve experiments and to evaluate outcomes Communicate scientific findings clearly and effectively using oral, written and/or graphic forms. Write effectively in several forms, such as research papers and laboratory reports. Social and Behavioral Sciences Identify, describe, and explain key themes, principles, and terminology within the subject area. Identify, describe, and explain the history, theory and/or methodologies used within the subject area. Identify, describe and explain social institutions, structures and processes within the subject area. Apply formal and informal qualitative and/or quantitative analysis effectively to examine the processes and means by which individuals make personal and group decisions. Assess and analyze ethical perspectives in individual and societal decisions. Communicate knowledge, thoughts and reasoning clearly and effectively in forms appropriate to the subject area, individually and in groups.

4 Proposed courses for assessment
Subject Area Course(s) Humanities ARH2000* Art Appreciation IUF Good Life Mathematics MAC Analytic Geometry & Calculus Biological Sciences BSC Integrated Principles of Biology Physical Sciences AST Discovering the Universe AST2037* Life in the Universe Social and Behavioral Sciences ANT2000* Introduction to Anthropology SYG2000* Introduction to Sociology Composition ENC Expository & Argumentative Writing Diversity ARH2000* Art Appreciation International MUL Experiencing Music MUH History of Jazz

5 Content faculty alignment review
SLO – Student Outcomes – Rubrics Steps Draft rubrics with Outstanding – Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory (Dec 2017) Identify faculty in content areas (January 2018) Meeting to align based on their courses (Fall 2018) Training (???)

6 Visualization use of data by level
Level of Data User Class Instructor, Program, General Education Subject Area and Public General Education Summary

7 To be addressed… Confidentiality and minimum sample size for data
Currently being discussed by academic programs Suggestions – 10 or more Undergraduate; 5 or more Graduate Develop guidelines for use and interpretation of the visualization data

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