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Math 3360: Mathematical Imaging

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1 Math 3360: Mathematical Imaging
Lecture 19: Image denoising in the spatial domain Prof. Ronald Lok Ming Lui Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2 Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

3 Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

4 Laplacian mask Original image Laplacian mask

5 Unsharp masking

6 Unsharp masking

7 Linear filter = Convolution
Linear filtering of a (2M+1)x(2N+1) image I (defined on [-M,M]x[-N,N]) = CONVOLUTION OF I and H H is called the filter. Different filter can be used: Mean filter Gaussian filter Variation of these filters (Non-linear) Median filter Edge preserving mean filter

8 Type of filter

9 Mean filter

10 Mean filter Impulse noise After mean filter

11 Mean filter Gaussian noise After mean filter

12 Mean filter Real image After mean filter

13 Gaussian filter Define a function using Gaussian function
Definition of H

14 Gaussian filter Real image After Gaussian filter

15 Gaussian filter Real image After mean filter

16 Gaussian filter Real image After Gaussian filter

17 Gaussian filter Real image After mean filter

18 Gaussian filter Real image After Gaussian filter

19 Median filter Median Nonlinear filter
Take median within a local window

20 Median filter Real image After median filter

21 Median filter Salt & Pepper Mean filter Median filter

22 Median filter Noisy image Median filter

23 Median filter

24 Median filter Noisy image Median filter

25 Median filter

26 Median filter Noisy image Can you guess what it is? Median filter

27 Edge preserving filtering
Step 1: Consider all windows of fixed size around a pixel (not necessarily centered at that pixel) Step 2: Find a window with the least variance Step 3: Do a linear filter in that window.

28 Edge preserving filtering

29 Edge preserving filtering

30 Non-local mean filter

31 Non-local mean filter

32 Non-local mean filter Noisy image Non-local mean

33 Non-local mean filter Flat filter Non-local mean

34 Isotropic diffusion

35 Isotropic diffusion Original image Sigma = 1.98 Sigma = 4.28

36 Anisotropic diffusion

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