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Aeneas or Numa? Rethinking the Meaning of the Ara Pacis Augustae.

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Presentation on theme: "Aeneas or Numa? Rethinking the Meaning of the Ara Pacis Augustae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aeneas or Numa? Rethinking the Meaning of the Ara Pacis Augustae.
Paul Rehak The Art Bulletin, Vol. 83, No.2. (Jun., 2001), pp

2 The western screen surrounding the Ara Pacis Augustae

3 Zoomed shot of the southern panel relief on the western screen being examined.

4 35. When I held my thirteenth consulship, Senate, equestrian order, and the entire Roman people called me "father of country [pater patriae]" and decided that this should be inscribed in the vestibule of my house, in the Julian Senate house, and in the Augustan Forum on the pedestal of the chariot which was set up in my honour by senatus consultum. When I wrote this I was in my seventy-sixth year. The Accomplishments of Augustus (Res Gestae Divi Augusti)

5 The Belvedere Altar

6 Above image is a magnified view of the top left hand corner of the panel to the right.

7 Depictions of Numa in First Century B.C. coinage

8 Diagram of the Ara Pacis Augustae to represent Augustan Rule

9 Ita duo deinceps reges, alius alia via, ille bello, his pace, civitatem auxerunt… cum valida tum temperata et belli et pacis artibus erat civitas. Livy, Ab urbe condita (1.21.5)

10 Zoomed shot of the southern panel relief on the western screen being examined.

11 Photo gallery of the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome

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