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Meng Lu and Edzer Pebesma

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1 Modeling change from large-scale high-dimensional spatio-temporal array data
Meng Lu and Edzer Pebesma Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany Contact: Meng Lu Introduction Study case 2: Land cover change detection with historical MODIS satellite data Research Questions How to model spatio-temporal change? How to reduce dimensions spatially and temporally, or thematically? How to analyze array data? How can we perform complex spatio-temporal statistical computations on multi-dimensional arrays How can we combine data sets of different dimensionality or different resolutions into arrays? The massive data that comes from Earth observation satellites and other sensors provide significant information for modeling global change. At the same time, the high dimensionality and large size of the data has brought about challenges in data acquisition, management, effective querying and processing. In addition, the output of earth system modeling tends to be data intensive and needs methodologies for storing, validating, analyzing and visualization, e.g. as maps. An important proportion of earth system observations and simulated data can be represented as multi-dimensional array data, which has received increasing attention in big data management and spatio-temporal analysis. Array based data management and analysis brings opportunities in modeling change with large-scale high-dimensional data. 3-Dimensional array data (EVI2 ) Study site: Juara, Mato Grosso, Brazil Juara Longitude 0.02 0.23 0.26 0.21 0.1 0.36 0.28 0.25 0.4 0.22 0.27 0.3 0.24 0.09 0.13 0.44 0.19 . brazil Mato Grosso Latitude time MODIS tiles Step one: time series analysis with BFAST Step three: bring the analyses back to SciDB Step two: joined spatial temporal analyses Make BFAST Parameters ‘Spatial’ * t Examples of Array Data make the parameters of the seasonal effect spatial, i.e. represent them as spatially correlated random fields, and examine the residuals from that to find break points. (spatial correlation model such as CAR, SAR ) The 13 years, 8-day, 250m resolution MODIS satellite images that cover this area has been organized as a dense three dimensional spatio-temporal array and loaded into SciDB for change modeling. The spatial coordinates and temporal information can be retrieved from the array index. Spatial dependence Multidimensional Map Algebra Parameters of trend 1-D: Time series D: Satellite images D: Image time series D: Sediment/nutrient in flow D: Hyper-spectral remote sensing time series data Spatio-Temporal Kriging Implementation of Multidimensional Map Algebra (MMA) Study case 1 Rainfall analyses with fixed sensor data Dimension reduction (i.e. PCA (Principle Component Analysis)) and time series analyses for rainfall data in two watersheds– small semiarid watershed (Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed) with densely distributed rainfall gauges and a much larger watershed (Minnesota River Basin) with sparsely distributed rainfall gauges Meaningfully scaling the time dimension to make the spatio-temporal dimensions statistically equal. Spatial temporal sampling reflectance Methodology: Parameters of seasonality Two study cases were developed to investigate the potential of array data in spatio-temporal change modeling. The two cases focus on different types of array data: fixed-sensor data with regular (e.g. daily rainfall data) or irregular (e.g. rainfall event data) time series; and satellite images. Multi-dimensional array-based database management and analytics systems such as Rasdaman, SciDB, and R will be applied to these cases. In the later stage, study cases might be developed to integrate data coming from different sensors for more detailed information both in space and in time. Source: Mennis 2010 For spatio-temporal change modeling: How to borrow the strength from the spatio-temporal neighbors when spatio-temporal correlation exists; what spatio-temporal model to use? For implement spatio-temporal models with multidimensional array data and realize the interaction between R and SciDB or Rasdaman: How to extend conventional map algebra to multidimensional (intelligent) map algebra? What data type to use? 2-Dimensional array data What is the temporal variability of rainfall within the whole watershed ? What is the spatial variability of the long- term rainfall? What is the trend, seasonality, and cyclical pattern within the time period 1967 1968 1969 1 245 286 256 2 223 271 268 3 234 264 253 …. Gage ID Time Minnesota River Basin Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Validation with Landsat 5 data and DETER deforestation monitoring system Data: summer average rainfall amount Period: 1894 to 2013 Number of gauges selected : 11 Data: summer average rainfall amount Period:1967 to 1999 Number of gauges selected : 83 Tools: BFAST residuals 2006 2005 2003 2004 VS. Temporal change in spatial variability: Animation of PC2 loadings in four periods gage as variable, time as record The spatial variability of the long- term rainfall: Spatial distribution of PC1 loadings (top), PC2 loadings (middle) and PC3 loadings (bottom); gage as variable, time as record Spatial correlations in BFAST residuals as well as in regression coefficients, both in the periodic component as in the trend components, could be found, which provide rationale for joined spatio-temporal analysis Database management system + The changes that detected by BFAST (dots) do not match well with the changes reported with DETER (polygon) * *with time buffer Data analytics system Each of the circle represent the loadings of PC for each gage. The size of the circle indicates the magnitude of the PC loadings (how much the variable contributes to the variance). The blue and black indicated negative and positive of PC loadings.

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