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Bismihi Ta’ala LESSON PLANNING It’s a special skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Bismihi Ta’ala LESSON PLANNING It’s a special skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bismihi Ta’ala LESSON PLANNING It’s a special skill that is learned in much the same way as other skills.

2 Why Plan at All? Necessity:- For Teachers For Students

3 For Teachers: 1- Frame Work 2- To have thought ahead
3- Have a destination

4 For Students 1- Teacher has devoted to them.
2- How much planning is important. 3- Show level of commitment with their profession.

5 Importance To think about “Where we are going?”.
In class it helps as a reminder. Easy to asses especially for external observer.

6 What should be in Plan? Who is going to be taught?
What they are going to learn or be taught? How they are going to learn or be taught and with what?

7 What FORM should a plan take?

8 Conclusion

9 Purpose of Planning or Why Planning?
1-Focusing our minds 2-Frame work 3-Shows that you are professional and that we care.

10 How Planning? What is to be taught? Who is going to be taught?
How they are going to be taught?

11 Form is not important but important is that it should be useful for teacher and for anyone who is observing him or her.

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