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Terrific Tuesday 9-27-2016 Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the student.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrific Tuesday 9-27-2016 Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrific Tuesday Please do the necessary things to get prepared for class (gather binder, notebook, planner, novel) Grab the handout by the student computers. Take out your ORB

2 Collecting: Descriptive Details
How Writers Work Unit 1 8th Grade Writers Workshop

3 Rationale: Writers use the collecting stage of the writing process to elaborate, research, and develop their piece. You will “collect” descriptive details to further develop your selected topic/idea.

4 During Mini Lesson Scoot your chair closer to me
Take your notebook and put it on your lap. Have your chair turned towards me. Make sure you can not just see me but hear me clearly.

5 Mini Lesson: Descriptive Details
Inform: Strong writing includes a combination of descriptive details and relevant facts. Descriptive writing usually helps a writer develop an aspect of his/her work. Creating a certain mood or atmosphere Describing the setting so the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects.

6 Mini Lesson: Descriptive Details
Inform: You have decided on a topic…you’ll need to collect information around your topic in the form of; Facts Relevant Information Descriptive Details Sensory Language: is on way to capture emotions and create images for the reader.

7 Mini Lesson: Descriptive Details
Take out Chicken Soup for the Soul piece “A Word Can Paint 1,000 Pictures by Gail Wilkinson” Reread the first paragraph, in your notebook notice how the beginning describes the setting. (Jot down one example quote) Name all the sensory details that are contained in this piece. When you come to the following sentence: I became attentive to the pictures that words invoked, and found inspiration everywhere” and “I found that a word or phrase could paint that picture and the game – the challenge – was to paint them into a story.” What does this quote mean to you? Why? In response sketch (draw) and/or write the descriptive details connected to your own topic. The writing/sketches could describe the setting, characters, feelings, and/or actions taking place.

8 Mini Lesson: Descriptive Details
Now that you know your topic and purpose for writing, you will take time to collect more descriptive details in order to develop your piece and create pictures with words. Today, try to capture what is happening and the emotion and images you want readers to see and feel using descriptive details.

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