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Planes and Directional Terms

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Presentation on theme: "Planes and Directional Terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planes and Directional Terms
Body Cavities, Planes and Directional Terms

2 Body Cavities Body Cavities
* openings within the body which contain organs, protect organs and allow expansion and contraction

3 C A V I T I E S B O D Y


5 * Dorsal Cavity: brain and spinal cord - Cranial Cavity: skull bones
- Spinal Cavity: vertebrae * Ventral Cavity: chest and abdomen - Thoracic Cavity: superior to diaphragm a. pleural: surround lungs b. mediastinum: divide the lungs c. pericardial: surround heart - Abdominopelvic Cavity: inferior to diaphragm a. Abdominal: spleen, liver, gallbladder, stomach, int, pancreas b. Pelvic: bladder, cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, reproductive organs

6 Abdominal Quadrants * RUQ * LUQ * RLQ * LLQ What does these stand for?
Belly button is the point of reference What does these stand for?

7 Abdominal Regions * Epigastric * Umbilical * Hypogastric
* Hypochondriac * Lumbar/ Lateral * Iliac/ Inguinal more precise method of division

8 Why is it important for healthcare workers to know/use directional terms?

9 Universal position as a healthcare reference
Anatomical Position

10 Median/ Midsagittal Divides the body or organ vertically into EQUAL right and left parts *Body Planes

11 Sagittal Divides the body or organ vertically into unequal right and left parts *Body Planes

12 Frontal/ Coronal Plane
A vertical plane dividing the body or an organ into front and back sections. What is the medical term for front? back? *Body Planes

13 Transverse Plane A horizontal plane dividing the body or organ into upper and lower sections. What is the medical term for upper? lower? *Body Planes

14 Medial Lateral *Toward the midline *Middle *Away from the side
*Toward the side of the body *Away from the midline MIDLINE

15 Proximal Distal *Toward or near the trunk of the body
* Near the point of attachment to the body * Away from * Farther from the origin or attachment to the body Hand- fingers/ wrist knee/ ankle

16 Anterior Posterior *Front *In front of *Toward the front *Back *Behind
*Toward the rear 1 2

17 Dorsal Ventral * Near the upper surface * Toward the back
* Toward the bottom * Toward the belly

18 Superior Inferior * Upper * Above something * Lower * Below something

19 Cranial Caudal * refers to the head of the body * means tail end 1 2 3
4 6 5

20 Internal External * inside the body * outside the body

21 Superficial Deep * close to the surface * many layers into the body

22 1 2 Which is Which? Frontal 3

23 Divisions of the Back

24 Identify on your Partner
* Area distal to knee * Inferior to heart * Superior to lungs * Area proximal to elbow * Lateral to big toe * Medial to shoulder * Anterior side of the body * Posterior side of body

25 And you thought anatomy was boring!!

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