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Theory and Critical Thinking

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1 Theory and Critical Thinking
Week 2 Concepts of Human Learning and Development

2 Purr and snarl words Chocolate Coffee Reading Writing Television
What is your reaction to the word theory?

3 Definition of a theory A theory organises the data, ideas and hypotheses, and states them in coherent, interrelated, general propositions, principles, or laws (Rice, 2001, p.23)

4 Psychoanalytic Theory – Freud
This theory outlines the significance of early childhood experiences and unconscious motivations in influencing behaviour. Freud says personality consists of 3 components: Id Ego Superego

5 Socio-emotional Development Erikson
Erikson divided human development into eight stages Each stage needs to be mastered to build a positive quality in personality and before further development occur If the stage is not mastered then the ego is damaged because of a negative quality being incorporated in it

6 Classical Conditioning – Pavlov
The association of a new response with an existing stimulus to form a response pair. Classic example is the pairing of the ringing bell with presentation of food to dogs. After repeated pairing, the dog will salivate upon hearing the bell even if the food is not present

7 Operant Conditioning – Skinner
A form of learning in which voluntary behaviour becomes more or less likely to be repeated depending on its consequences. Also known as Skinnerian or instrumental conditioning.

8 Social Learning Theory – Bandura
Response consequences (such as rewards or punishments) influence the chances that a person will perform a particular behavior again in a given situation. Humans learn by observing others, in addition to learning by participating in the act. Individuals are likely to model the behaviour of those they identify with (Bandura, 1986)

9 Tabula Rasa – Locke Individuals begin life as blank slates on which teachers impart knowledge. Parents have the opportunity to shape the behaviour of their children Also known as Behaviourism

10 Hierarchy of Needs – Maslow
Humans naturally strive to satisfy their needs Maslow identifies five needs: Self-actualisation Esteem Love Safety Physiological

11 Cognitive Development – Piaget
Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore the world around them. Four stages: Sensorimotor stage Pre-operational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage

12 Ethological Theory – Lorenz
Ethology emphasises that behaviour is a product of evolution and is biologically determined. Lorenz called the process of developing an attachment for the first object seen as imprinting. Bonding in humans bares some resemblance.

13 An eclectic theoretical perspective
Remember No one theory completely explains the complexity and diversity of human learning and development

14 Critical Thinking Definitions Four key aspects to critical thinking
Thurmond: an ability; disposition; skill; process Sofo: tolerance for ambiguity; development of mental awareness; empathy Four key aspects to critical thinking

15 Behaviours of a critical thinker
Critical thinkers formulate Hypotheses Alternative ways of viewing Questions Possible solutions Plans for investigation

16 Dispositions of a critical thinker
Determines and maintains focus Takes the whole situation into account Seeks and offers reasons Is well informed Looks for alternatives Withholds judgment if reasons for evidence are insufficient

17 Abilities of a critical thinker
Analyses arguments Judges the credibility of a source Identifies the focus of an issue Answers questions Asks questions Clarifies and challenges the information before him or her

18 Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis
Synthesis Evaluation

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