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Mathematics 2 the Seventh and Eighth Lectures

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1 Mathematics 2 the Seventh and Eighth Lectures
Fifth week / 6/ 1438هـ أ / سمر السلمي

2 Outline for today Office Hours fourth homework due Chapter One
Fourier Transforms Chapter Two Dirac Delta Function

3 Office Hours Time of Periodic Exams
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 11 to 12 p.m. you can put any paper or homework in my mailbox in Faculty of Physics Department I will put any announcement or apology in my website ( , so please check it my is for any question. every Wednesday a homework will be submit at my mailbox (or if you did not came to university ) every week a worksheet will be submit in class Time of Periodic Exams The first periodic exam in / 6 / 1438 h every in her group The second periodic exam in / 8 / 1438 h every in her group

4 The Fourth Homework I put the fourth homework in my website in the university at Friday homework Due Wednesday 16 / 6 / 1438 هـ in my mailbox in Faculty of Physics Department I will not accept any homework after that , but if you could not come to university you should sent it to me by in the same day than put the paper next day in my mailbox

5 Chapter Three: Ch 15, pg. 647 Integral Transforms Fourier Transforms Section 4, pg 647 – 654 (notice: in the 3rd ed it will be ch 7 Section 12) The Dirac Delta Function Section 7, pg 669 (notice: in the 3rd ed it will be ch 8 Section 11) Also, (will take Dirac Delta Function from another book (Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths & Reed College Ch 1 Section 5.2,) (this part will be as a PDF file in my website in Lectures

6 Definition of fourier transforms
The f(x) and g(α) a pair of fourier transforms g(α) is called the fourier transforms of f(x) f(x) is called the inverse fourier transforms of g(α) Common simply to ca either a fourier transforms of the other

7 fourier sine transforms fourier cosine transforms
Fourier Transforms fourier sine transforms The fs(x) and gs(α) a pair of fourier sine transforms Representing odd function fourier cosine transforms The fc(x) and gc(α) a pair of fourier cosine transforms Representing even function

8 Fourier Transforms Let f(x) is a nonperiodic function ,
Find the exponential Fourier transform of f(x) and write f(x)as a Fourier integral ? or the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) and write it as a Fourier integral ?

9 Fourier Transforms Let f(x) is a nonperiodic function ,
Find the exponential Fourier transform of f(x) and write f(x)as a Fourier integral ? or the Fourier sine transform of f(x) and write it as a Fourier integral ?

10 Dirac Delta Function can be pictured as an infinitely high infinitesimally narrow “spike” with area 1 is generalized f(x) or distribution

11 Dirac Delta Function Example: Evaluate the following integral

12 Dirac Delta Function Proof of the At x=0 so

13 Dirac Delta Function Proof of the At x=a so

14 Dirac Delta Function Properties of delta function 1)
if delta function of 2) k ≠ 0 3) 4) a ≠ b

15 Dirac Delta Function Proof of the y=kx dy = k dx x = y / k
limit integer to for k is positive limit integer to for k is negative So it is true that

16 Dirac Delta Function Proof of the u=x du = dx = 0 - So it is true that

17 Dirac Delta Function Fourier transform of a delta function
Inverse transforms

18 Dirac Delta Function Example: Evaluate the following integral
(Worksheet )

19 Next class review Gamma Function Beta Function

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