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Module 7 Eating together

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2 Module 7 Eating together
Unit 3 Language in use

3 Teaching aims and demands:
1. To summarize the use of passive voice (难点) 2. To summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary. (重点) 3. Know something about Birthday parties in the USA. 4. Describing an eating experience.

4 复习被动语态特殊形式:

5 Language practice: I have been asked to decorate the hall.
Pizza was invented in Italy. Lunch is eaten later. Knives and forks are used for most food. There is some food which can be eaten with your fingers. You’ll be invited to serve yourself. If you’ve been given something you don’t like, it should be pushed to the edge of the plate and left. 中国英语教师网

6 Match the words with the pictures:
blind taste owner bee officer course

7 Write sentences to explain these signs.
LUNCH SERVED DAILY FROM 12 PM TO 2 PM is served ① Lunch _________ daily form 12 pm to 2 pm.

8 Write sentences to explain these signs.
Don’t take food into the bedrooms. ② Food ____________ into the bedrooms. Must not be taken

9 Write sentences to explain these signs.
Garden open for meals. ③ The garden ______ now open for meals. is

10 Write sentences to explain these signs.
GRAND HOTEL built: 1835 ④ The hotel ___________ in 1835. was built

11 Write sentences to explain these signs.
We’re selling tickets for the show now, until 11 am. No more tickets for the show _____________ after 11 am. are/ will be sold

12 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs.
The place to be seen in Guests at a new restaurant in London (1) ________ (serve) by a blind waiters. But the waiters aren’t the only people who can’t see. The guests can’t see either, because the restaurant (2) ________ (keep) dark. No lights (3) ________ (allow), not even the light on your mobile phone. are served is kept are allowed

13 be turned off not be seen is improved is made
Anything with a light must (4) ________ (turn off). The idea is that when the food can (5) ________ (not see), the sense of taste (6) ________ (improve). “Don’t worry that you won’t enjoy food without seeing it. The enjoyment of the food (7) ________ (make) possible by your nose, fingers and ears instead,” promises the restaurant owner. be turned off not be seen is improved is made

14 Look at the pictures and say what you think happened.

15 This is a model answer: A man was eating snacks in a restaurant. He put his hand into the bowl, but didn’t notice a bee in it. He picked up the bee with the snacks and put them into his mouth. The bee stung him in his throat as he was swallowing the snacks. Later the restaurant was closed down because hundreds of bees were found in the kitchen by food inspectors.

16 Complete the newspaper report
Complete the newspaper report. Use the correct form of the words in the box. call eat fill order pay A man eating at a restaurant (1) ________ just __________ almost £700 after he ate a live bee. The man put his hand into a bowl of snacks. He picked up the bee with some snacks, and put it into his mouth. The bee (2) ________ along with the snacks. The man wondered why his snacks were so hot! has been paid was eaten

17 Were called was filled was ordered call eat fill order pay
Afterwards, he said: “Eating the bee was very painful. I’ll look very carefully at my snacks in future.” Health and safety officers who (3) ___________ to check the restaurant found that the kitchen (4) ________ with bees. The restaurant (5) ________________ to close immediately. Were called was filled was ordered

18 Answer the questions about the words in the box.
bread cake cheese chicken legs grapes hamburger salad soup ① Which types of food can be eaten as finger food? ② Which food should be eaten with a spoon? ③ Which food is often served in a basket? ④ Which food is always served in a bowl? bread ,cake ,cheese, chicken legs, grapes and hamburgers. soup bread ,grapes. soup

19 Work in pairs and answer the questions.
① What is your favorite Chinese finger food? ② When is a spoon used, instead of chopsticks? ③ Do you use knives and forks in your home? ④ What food do you usually have on a plate, and what in a bowl?

20 Listen again and choose the best answer.
① The speaker who went to Britain put his knife and fork on his plate, because ____________. a) he had finished his meal b) he didn’t want to talk with his mouth full c) he din’t like the food

21 Work in pairs and answer the questions.
② The speaker who went to spain offered everyone the snacks, because _________________. a) she thought they were for everyone b) she wasn’t polite c) she wasn’t Spanish

22 Work in pairs and answer the questions.
③ The speaker who had a Chinese meal drank from the finger bowl because _____________. a) it had a lemon in it b) she was hungry c) she thought it was soup

23 Around the world: Birthday parties in the USA
In the USA 16th birthday parties are usually important celebrations for teenagers. Some of the parties are extremely big celebrations and cost a lot of money. Everyone dresses up and looks beautiful. They are held in hotels and even have music groups playing at them. Other parties are simpler and held in the home. Sometimes families celebrate in other ways such as going on a special trip together, going to the cinema or a nice restaurant for a meal. Even though 16-year-olds are still children, the 17th birthday is like the first step towards being an adult.

24 Describe a special or unusual meal you have eaten.
Say: Where and when you ate it Who you were with Why the meal was special or unusual What happened at the end of the meal What the nicest thing about the experience was

25 Homework: Finish all the Exx.

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