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Electricity SNC 1DI.

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity SNC 1DI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity SNC 1DI

2 Electricity 100 200 300 400 500 Vocabulary Circuit Diagrams Potpourri
Working with Formulas Vocabulary Part 2 Potpourri Series or Parallel? 100 200 300 400 500

3 Vocabulary - 100 A charge on a substance that doesn’t move. Answer:
BACK A charge on a substance that doesn’t move. Answer: static electricity

4 Vocabulary - 200 BACK Transferring charge from one object to another without direct contact. Answer: charging by induction

5 Vocabulary - 300 BACK The energy each electron has as it leaves the negative terminal of a cell. Answer: electric potential (voltage)

6 Vocabulary - 400 BACK Cells that can be discharged and recharged many hundreds of times Answer: secondary cells

7 Vocabulary - 500 BACK An object is sharply curved so that electrons are allowed to repel one another and push off the object. Answer: discharge at a point

8 Circuit Diagrams - 100 Draw the schematic symbol for an open switch.
BACK Draw the schematic symbol for an open switch. Answer:

9 Circuit Diagrams - 200 Draw the circuit diagram for 4 cells in series.
BACK Draw the circuit diagram for 4 cells in series. Answer: + -

10 Circuit Diagrams - 300 BACK Draw a circuit that has a 3 cell battery, an open switch and three light bulbs in parallel. Answer:

11 Circuit Diagrams - 400 BACK Draw a circuit diagram with a 3 cell battery in series, 2 light bulbs in series, a closed switch and a voltmeter checking the electric potential across the battery. Answer:

12 Circuit Diagrams - 500 BACK Draw a circuit diagram with a 2 cell battery in parallel, 3 light bulbs in parallel and a closed switch that controls the middle bulb only. Answer:

13 Working with Formulas - 100
BACK What is Ohm’s law as a formula? Answer: V = I x R

14 Working with Formulas - 200
BACK How much current flows through a lamp when the voltage drop across the filament is 120V and the power of the bulb is 60W. Answer: 0.5A

15 Working with Formulas - 300
BACK Calculate the current flowing through a toaster that has a resistance of 45 Ω and a voltage drop of 360V. Answer: 8A

16 Working with Formulas - 400
BACK Calculate the length of time a battery will run for if the energy released by the battery in a drill is 75.6W∙h, the voltage drop is 12V and the current flowing through the drill is 1.5A. Answer: 4.2 hours

17 Working with Formulas - 500
BACK If a microwave has a percent efficiency of 72% and the energy input is 16400J, what would be the useful energy output? Answer: 11808J

18 Vocabulary Part BACK When a static charge results by rubbing two objects together. Answer: charging by friction

19 Vocabulary Part BACK The measure of the rate at which electric charges move past a given point in a circuit. Answer: electric current

20 Vocabulary Part BACK The energy transferred to a load by moving electric charges. Answer: electrical energy

21 Vocabulary Part 2 - 400 This is also referred to as a voltaic cell.
BACK This is also referred to as a voltaic cell. Answer: primary wet cell

22 Vocabulary Part BACK A measure of the rate at which electrical energy is used up. Answer: electrical power

23 Potpourri - 100 Acetate Wool
BACK When wool and cotton are rubbed together, the charge resulting on cotton is ___________. Answer: negative Acetate Wool Fur Cotton Ebonite Rubber

24 Potpourri - 200 BACK A negative vinyl strip quickly touches a pith ball and is taken away. When the vinyl strip is brought near again, the objects will _______. Answer: repel

25 Potpourri - 300 BACK What are the three parts to the law of electric charges? Answer: like charges repel, unlike charges attract, charged objects attract neutral objects

26 Potpourri - 400 BACK Use a diagram to demonstrate induced charge separation. Answer:

27 Potpourri - 500 BACK The two ways a lightning rod protects a building are ________________. Answer: 1. preventing lightning from striking 2. when lightning strikes, they direct the charge down to the ground

28 Series or Parallel – 100 BACK If one load is broken, this type of circuit will continue to work. Answer: parallel

29 Series or Parallel – 200 BACK The current in this type of circuit decreases as you add more loads. Answer: series

30 Series or Parallel – 300 BACK Each light bulb becomes brighter as energy is added in this circuit. Answer: series

31 Series or Parallel – 400 BACK BACK Each time a bulb is added, the brightness stays the same in this type of circuit. Answer: parallel

32 Series or Parallel – 500 BACK The voltage drop across multiple loads in this circuit is the same as the voltage drop across the battery. Answer: parallel

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